New All Star league started...need a few more players to fill league.
So far we have 9 of 16 filled. There are good players in this league so if you dare to join, bring your A game.
So where ya at on openings? Any still open? I’m on PS5
PSN gamer tag: sleever44 -
We still have about6 or 7 openings. I'll shoot you a friend request. Coming from Ahhshoot007 on Xbox.
Sent you an invite to the league
vicentealoise gamertag
Sent @vicentealoise
Anyone else interested in playing? We have a few spots left open.
Is there anymore room? I’m interested, my Xbox name is Stinkyclams
Yes, Red Sox and Braves are teams that we left open at the moment. I'll send you an invite today.
What is your Discord username?