Is online hitting truly competitive?
I have multiple thoughts about the online aspects. So in my opinion, We need a universal PCI size OR universal pitch speed. One OR the other will do fine. From an online competitive standpoint, it is more of a nuisance to have to adjust stick movement AND timing when changing difficulties in game modes. Jumping from BR to events to Ranked. If I had to choose one, I’d choose universal pitch speeds across all online game modes.
To me, it makes 0 sense to have the PCI size expand with slower pitch speeds and shrink with higher pitch speeds, Especially when rng dictates the outcomes regardless of timing and PCI placement. it becomes less competitive and more simulation in lower difficulties like All-Star and below under the current settings. I enjoy realistic baseball simulation at times. However I’m only interested in realistic simulation gameplay OFFLINE ONLY. Online, we should see 100% hit rate for Perfect Perfect. Perfect hits don’t have to be Homeruns all the [censored] time, I mean we’d like to see smoked gap shots and liners through the hole. Just let us feel rewarded with our good input. It’s a VIDEO GAME! NOT real life baseball. If the amount of “good” and lesser hit types resulting in hits needs to be reduced in order for that to happen, then I’m all for it.I know some of you fellas might disagree, but also lots of you fellas feel the same way. I just want SDS to create a great baseball game. I haven’t seen greatness since the MVP Baseball era. It’s come close, but always seems to fall a little short.