Extreme showdown
Hmm I appreciate the responses. I will give it a try. I didn’t even think about doing the mini seasons. I got 7 of the moments done and I couldn’t take it anymore hahaha.
@Xx-IMA-B3ASTx_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
Hmm I appreciate the responses. I will give it a try. I didn’t even think about doing the mini seasons. I got 7 of the moments done and I couldn’t take it anymore hahaha.
I got Griffey Sunday night. I could only get 9 of the 13 moments done. I went to Mini Seasons and won 10 games on Legend, got the 30K's hit 5 HR's etc. Eventually I finished 10 of the 14 MS requirements. I beat the Conquest and then used the 4 players to get the rest with PXP. It's a grind but can be done. Good luck to you.
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Extreme showdown:
@Xx-IMA-B3ASTx_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
Hmm I appreciate the responses. I will give it a try. I didn’t even think about doing the mini seasons. I got 7 of the moments done and I couldn’t take it anymore hahaha.
I got Griffey Sunday night. I could only get 9 of the 13 moments done. I went to Mini Seasons and won 10 games on Legend, got the 30K's hit 5 HR's etc. Eventually I finished 10 of the 14 MS requirements. I beat the Conquest and then used the 4 players to get the rest with PXP. It's a grind but can be done. Good luck to you.
A grind? You knocked the sucker out before the week was up!
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in Extreme showdown:
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Extreme showdown:
@Xx-IMA-B3ASTx_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
Hmm I appreciate the responses. I will give it a try. I didn’t even think about doing the mini seasons. I got 7 of the moments done and I couldn’t take it anymore hahaha.
I got Griffey Sunday night. I could only get 9 of the 13 moments done. I went to Mini Seasons and won 10 games on Legend, got the 30K's hit 5 HR's etc. Eventually I finished 10 of the 14 MS requirements. I beat the Conquest and then used the 4 players to get the rest with PXP. It's a grind but can be done. Good luck to you.
A grind? You knocked the sucker out before the week was up!
I thought it was two weeks? No? It wasn't easy for the old man but I was determined LMAO
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Extreme showdown:
@theBlindRhino said in Extreme showdown:
@Xx-IMA-B3ASTx_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
Any tips on how to beat this. Can’t seem to get past chris sale for some reason. Also I am a below average player typically play on allstar and sometimes a couple games on HOF. Any tips would be appreciated.
Yes, complete extreme mini-seasons and conquest. Buy Baez, Glavine, and Sutter. Skip Showdown.
What do you know. A post we can almost agree on. Forget buying those players and just play Mini Seasons on Legend. Get 10 wins get 30K's hit 5 HR's beat the Map and finish 8 or 9 of the moments and you will get Griffey.
thank you this is great intel for me - i am so far in conquest 3 games in it's been a lot of fun i am taking in small doses
This was easy.
@Xx-IMA-B3ASTx_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
Any tips on how to beat this. Can’t seem to get past chris sale for some reason. Also I am a below average player typically play on allstar and sometimes a couple games on HOF. Any tips would be appreciated.
Let him pitch, he’ll throw mistake pitches, they give you 20 outs to beat him, use that to your advantage
Conquest was far easier than any other Extreme map previously. I was able to complete all but 2 of the moments (Ohtani & Adolis) are the only ones I couldn't/haven't been able to get past yet.
Like the OP, I can't get past Sale either. Which is surprising as I usually do fairly well against him. Currently sitting at 64 points and all I really want is the Perfect Cain card to try. Not really interested in Griffey too much. Currently at 6 wins in Mini on Legend so should have him by tomorrow.
I'm about to take on minis now and it will be my first time playing on legend. I've played on HOF a few times but mostly all star. But I DO NOT want to do the moments and the showdown so I'ma see how far the 30ks 5 hrs and 10 wins gets me lol
@kingarthur90210_PSN said in Extreme showdown:
I'm about to take on minis now and it will be my first time playing on legend. I've played on HOF a few times but mostly all star. But I DO NOT want to do the moments and the showdown so I'ma see how far the 30ks 5 hrs and 10 wins gets me lol
It's 15 homers with Piazza.....have fun!
Haha I tried the minis on legend I couldn’t hit anything 🫣. Going to try and stick with it a few games and see if anything changes.
@Xx-IMA-B3ASTx_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
Haha I tried the minis on legend I couldn’t hit anything 🫣. Going to try and stick with it a few games and see if anything changes.
If you can pitch and have a good eye, you can do it.
It's sweaty af, but I always found a way.
I went 5-7 going for at least the 5 wins on Legend. -
I have no problem pitching I am just so impatient at the plate and swing at everything haha. You can throw it 20 feet over my head and I tell myself not to swing but my finger mashes the hit button. So I am currently doing the extreme conquest. Did the 1st 5 games on hall of fame. When I played it definitely didn’t feel like hall of fame. I didn’t have any issues hitting compared to HOF on ranked where it just seems like the ball zips on by
@Xx-IMA-B3ASTx_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
Any tips on how to beat this. Can’t seem to get past chris sale for some reason. Also I am a below average player typically play on allstar and sometimes a couple games on HOF. Any tips would be appreciated.
Sit middle middle until 2 strikes, make him throw pitches to tire and hopefully throw a mistake, or draw a walk. Also, have speed and good bunters on your bench. If you get a runner on 1st, play small ball to get the runner over and avoid double plays.
Jiggidy gave some good tips. I will share what some major league friends and associates taught our baseball team for approach at the plate as I have found when I follow it in the game, I play so much better.
0-0, 1-0, 2-0, 3-0- those are favorite pitch only approach ( so either sit fastball in a certain part of the plate, or if you expect a breaking ball, make sure it’s hung…otherwise no swing.
0-1, 1-2, 2-1, and 3-1- anything you can drive. Looking for a pitch you can barrel, this can be anything from a fastball to off speed, but has to be something you can drive. . Lay off everything else.
0-2, 1-2, 2-2, 3-2- look away, protect inside. They teach that inside pitch is a reaction swing but you have to be ready and expect to bathe anything in the zone starting away with 2 strikes.
The biggest mistake people make is thinking they have to swing at any pitch in the zone ( which leads to lousy contact or swinging at pitches out of the zone). Patience and knowing the count and what to look for is the key.
Hope this helps.
@Oreo-Thomas_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
Hope this helps.
Fantastic post. Some of those are easy to forget and make such an impact if one abides it. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of making poor and weak contact by reaching at balls out on the black. Sometimes you just gotta tip your cap like you say and wait for the inevitable mistake because it IS coming.
Thank you
My only advice for showdown is to be patient and try to steal bases to get in scoring position.
@Xx-IMA-B3ASTx_XBL said in Extreme showdown:
I have no problem pitching I am just so impatient at the plate and swing at everything haha. You can throw it 20 feet over my head and I tell myself not to swing but my finger mashes the hit button. So I am currently doing the extreme conquest. Did the 1st 5 games on hall of fame. When I played it definitely didn’t feel like hall of fame. I didn’t have any issues hitting compared to HOF on ranked where it just seems like the ball zips on by
This was how it was for me but for legend solos. Those mfers were flying by but I smashed the first few conquest games until LAD where they hit a walk off in the 3rd smh
The showdown is frustrating and poorly designed. Lucky factors in a lot. swinging with good timing on strikes and still missing the ball happens almost every at-bat. Try tagging up from 2nd base to 3rd base with a 60 speed runner and they will throw a perfect ball to tag you out. From 3rd to home you usually are okay. The AI makes unbelievable plays constantly. Double plays, Double plays...Double plays... Leading off will get you picked off 50% of the time. Trying to steal even with 90+ speed and steal is rng. Double plays on line drives where the fielder dives and catches the ball at the same time touches the baserunner is just [censored]. Everything is set against you. Sales stamina turns yellow after 60 pitches, and red after 110 so trying to tire him out is almost impossible. The confidence of all the pitchers doesn't make sense. You can score 6 runs on Gibson and his confidence is 3/4 full. If they get close to full, little chance of beating them. Perfect hits are fielded by perfectly positioned players. The AI's def shift always works out for them....always. YOU HAVE TO KNOCK THE BALL OUT OF THE PARK if you want to win. People say bunt but in my experience, bunting is rgn af. Game controls say to press Y and use the right stick for direction. What [censored] came up with that? I've tried countless times and maybe successful 1/10. Don't try to steal and bunt cause you'll pop it up and double-play City on you. Watch youtuber complete it. Notice all of them get a lucky break or breaks to complete. I've watched several where they are down to their last out and hit a grounder that the AI over throws 1st. Have not seen one yet where someone beats it without lucky breaks. They just adjust all the game sliders against you. The draft has far too many players in it that aren't worth a [censored]. When you get lucky and draft good players the perks draft is going to screw you. After beating Sales you still only draft a high 80's low 90 player. Plenty of times I've drafted players and benched them. Did I mention the pitcher's Hall of Fame defensive ability? They have a vacuum for a glove.... double play.... Another problem with the game is the check swing. I could go on and on.