Extreme Program and Co Opp help
I've been trying to complete the Extreme Program and it is insanely difficult!I'm a huge Griffey fan since 9 years old, actually have 3,000+ baseball cards of him in real life. The Extreme Griffey looks amazing and I'm sure he plays amazing as well!!!
I have 41 stars out of the 100 in Extreme Program. I have been able to comple the Exchange set with Javie Baez, Tom Glavine, Bruce Sutter for the 28 Stars. I have completed 3x Moments for another 13 stars. The down 8-1 and come back and win, the Griffey HR, and the Billy Wagner 7 games no runs.
I have tried the Piazza HR and XBH about 100x+ and every good hit or perfect hit is caught or super HOF fielded. I have Rage quit several times. I played a few other Moments like Elly and Shoei and either have horrible luck or they are playing at a Legend level.
I don't play much PVP. I'm a average player, maybe a little above average... I have every Program completed at 100%, except for Extreme and a few Affinitys set 2 programs which 2x are complete and 4x of them are at 83%, 90%, 78%, 83%.
I have all sets complete as far as Core, Live, Set 1, Set 2, and almost done with 3. They haven't released enough cards to complete set 3 yet. But I do have 99.7% of all cards that have been released and can easily buy the few I'm missing. I have about 10Million stubs total from Daily Flipps. 5Mill ish in my bank and another 5Mill on players saved for low bids that won't win to just hoard. I set in morning and sell in afternoon and it usually nets me about 200k-300k a day with minimal work.
I set about 200 orders in am, win about 50 while I'm at work and post and repost once work is done. I'm missing like 12 players out of everything thats been released so far... Missing: Elly Delacruz, Ian Kinsler, Nolan Ryan, Rube Foster, Martin Dihigio, Audley Rutchman, Mike Piazza, Matt Cain, Rob Dibble, Evan Longoria, Kerry Wood. I haven't bought these players as their price will plummet when set 4 releases and can probably buy all of them for half the price. I don't really need those players now anyways as the sets are already complete and have all of the most important rewards from collections that are meaningful.
I've been playing with Rollins Captain and a killer team of SS and secondary SS for maxed level 3 boost and have the Right and Left contact Boost with Clutch close to maxed out, with maxed speed guys. Starting 9 are all 125's for Right and Left Contact, and all Vision is around 105-125 for each, all speed is 91 or higher except Joe Mauer. 6 of the starting 9 are maxed 99-99 for speed and stealing. 5 of them are maxed Bunting and drag bunt. All players are 110 or higher for Clutch. Pretty insane team with massive perk players, my starting 9 has most perks availing i think. Someone may know a better team to play with?. I was playing with a Ripken Captain Team for a while, which was pretty good but The Ripken Team lacked speed and feel the Rollins team is the best? Unless someone knows of a better team to use for Conquest?
Just looking for pointers or any help, suggestions. Maybe Play Co Opp and give me live pointers or something. If I could straight up buy the Griffey and complete set for like $2million stubs, I probably would. I wish they did have that option so I can just buy it and reduce this insane un ENJOAYBLE grind. I am only wanting my favorite player. GRIFFEY who has been one of my idols for about 30 years, since I was about 9 years old.
Just feeling like I'm getting supper annoyed and discouraged and wasting huge amounts of time and no matter how perfect I hit the ball, it's caught and legendary fielded or something on these moments and in games. I know it's suppose to be insanely difficult. I guess I'm not good enough?
I've probably wasted about 24 hours of continuous game play and have nothing to show for it really. I could have spent 24 hours flipping market and made like 1-2Million lol.
Sorry for the long ramble, I've looked at YouTube videos, but that's only helped a bit. I have tried showdown and get slaughtered.
I'm playing the Conquest Extreme now, and won my first 2 games, just scared to play the next game out of fear I will lose, then get attacked and wiped out, then have to restart.
That Conquest is like 25 points or something. I think if I can just get the Conquest passed along with the Showdown and a few moments, I can grind the rest.
My 11 year old son was helping but gave up as it's to the point where it's not even fun anymore... I feel bad for him as he really wanted the Griffey as I have showed him Video and he looks at me Griffey cards all the time.
Any help or pointers would be amazing. I guess this is my last effort before I just quit on the Extreme. You do get 3 stars for every 10k in XP and is repeatable, plus the 15 stars for grinding with the 2 Extreme players I have already earned. But that will take months and maybe even won't finish till the next years game releases, lol.
Best of luck to all of you who have read this and thank you for any hints or pointers.
Give mini seasons on Legend a try, you get 3 vouchers for 6 points for every 5 wins you get and it’s repeatable. Try to see a lot of pitches and after a game or two, you should hopefully adjust to the pitch speeds. I also loaded up my squad with speedy contact hitters and played small ball. I was able to finish extreme with 4 moments done, conquest done, the Marte and Wagner missions, two PXP missions and mini seasons. Just a suggestion, but it’s worth a shot.
Extreme is about earning it, cant rush it, take your time, try all the different hitting types if you have to, i only have 42 points so far and am not going to drive myself crazy with it, i have wagner so i’m happy, but just enjoy the challenge and do other things and come back instead of raging! Good luck my friend!
Mini seasons. the Ks in legend weren't too hard to get,and not being able to hit legend outlier I still took a 102 deep in that last game and managed to win 2of the 4 or 5.after that there are missions for both AS and HoF and repeatable win missions for both difficulty that give vouchers and winning the championship on any difficulty gives extreme vouchers too.
and after playing better teams on high difficulty the first games of conquest won't seem so tough. -