Sds please fix team build
It's a bit annoying, first world problems I get it . But I should be able to build my team as please with out the system forcing me to use season 3 cards . Just give me an alert that it's not s3 eligible.
I shouldn't have to rebuild best team and then go position to position to build the team I want .
Thanks -
Press the auto generate button
There is a way to do what OP is asking but it involves reading.
If you generate an S3 Squad...It'll automatically only let you choose S3 players when you edit your lineup by triggering the S3 filter box. So then you no longer have to sort through ineligible players. Then if you want to pick a wildcard...just unclick that box. Next time you go in to edit your lineup, that filter box will be checked again
I don't think ya'll understood what I'm saying. I know how to do it , it just takes extra steps. I want to do it quicker .