Twitch Drop was 🔥
I got one but pulled snell, and Hansel Robles. So a Gold and Silver is a new pack
@samthoen said in Twitch Drop was
How often are the streams? I’ve never used Twitch.
They have had one on Thursday's the last 3 weeks, I did not watch yesterday, the 2 previous were just watching a simulated game.
Think it depends how long you were on it, I got 3 packs but also didn’t get them until 9pm.
I never got my twitch packs and I watched the stream @Victor_SDS
I do not think I recieved one wonder why
I smell a troll.
@phillydave35 said in Twitch Drop was
Think it depends how long you were on it, I got 3 packs but also didn’t get them until 9pm.
That sucks. I had it on in the background for an hour or so and never received anything. People were saying no drops, so I shut it off.
I see your tactics to get us to buy packs didn’t work Ramone, so you’ve resorted to getting us to watch your lame streams instead.
Never received anything. Stopped watching
@allmustfall16 said in Twitch Drop was
I never got my twitch packs and I watched the stream @Victor_SDS
Happened to me twice
I tweeted it just after I pulled it. You can check my twitter @speters419 if not, speculate all you want, I’ll enjoy my free Trout and you can stay bitter
Got one pack from watching the players league tonight as well and I jumped on late.
I have linked and unliked account a million times... I took videos and everything today to email and figure out why.... I did last year
I received a Twitch pack for watch the stream last night as well