Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!
You’ve made your game absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I just want to have a fun time building a good team on Diamond Dynasty and play against the AI on the lowest difficulties and have fun. Instead I’ve spent 4 months straight building my team and playing against the AI on rookie where I can’t hit a goddamn thing . The hell were the developers thinking with this game?? I’m playing on rookie!!! I should be able to pick up the game and in a couple days be able to smash home runs and have fun playing the game . Instead the pitchers on THE SUPPOSEDLY EASIEST DIFFICULTY are picking corners perfectly , pitching perfect sinkers that look like they’re gonna end up one place and then drop below the strike zone at the last second, and completely destroying me at the plate . I play a game in mini seasons against AI on rookie and I go through at bat after at bat of fouling balls over and over and striking out. Every once in 200 pitches I’ll get lucky and hit a ball which is usually just caught by the outfielder who it happens to fly directly too every [censored] time. This is RIDICULOUS . Every single other sports game I play I’m able to pick up and have fun with on the easier difficulties almost immediately . This is the only game where one of the MAIN important actions you need to be able to do in the game is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE . This is the simplest thing to fix . Keep the challenging difficult aspects of the game around for the better players on the higher difficulties and for people who want to play online against one another in ranked or whatever , and make the easier difficulties against the AI ACTUALLY EASY. If I’m in the general vacinity of the pitch with my PCI make it a hit. Make it much more likely to hit the gaps . These easier difficulties could be so much better but instead they’re IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I’ve been playing 4 months straight DESPARATELY trying to figure out how the hell to hit consistently , looking up tip videos, following the tips in those videos , and getting NOWHERE. It’s absolutely INSANE I’ve been playing for 4 months on rookie and still can’t hit the [censored] ball with ANY semblance of consistency . FIX THIS!!!!! I just wanna build my team and have fun using them but instead I can’t enjoy the game at all. The developers have absolutely FAILED at making this game even close to playable for beginners .
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
You’ve made your game absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I just want to have a fun time building a good team on Diamond Dynasty and play against the AI on the lowest difficulties and have fun. Instead I’ve spent 4 months straight building my team and playing against the AI on rookie where I can’t hit a goddamn thing . The hell were the developers thinking with this game?? I’m playing on rookie!!! I should be able to pick up the game and in a couple days be able to smash home runs and have fun playing the game . Instead the pitchers on THE SUPPOSEDLY EASIEST DIFFICULTY are picking corners perfectly , pitching perfect sinkers that look like they’re gonna end up one place and then drop below the strike zone at the last second, and completely destroying me at the plate . I play a game in mini seasons against AI on rookie and I go through at bat after at bat of fouling balls over and over and striking out. Every once in 200 pitches I’ll get lucky and hit a ball which is usually just caught by the outfielder who it happens to fly directly too every [censored] time. This is RIDICULOUS . Every single other sports game I play I’m able to pick up and have fun with on the easier difficulties almost immediately . This is the only game where one of the MAIN important actions you need to be able to do in the game is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE . This is the simplest thing to fix . Keep the challenging difficult aspects of the game around for the better players on the higher difficulties and for people who want to play online against one another in ranked or whatever , and make the easier difficulties against the AI ACTUALLY EASY. If I’m in the general vacinity of the pitch with my PCI make it a hit. Make it much more likely to hit the gaps . These easier difficulties could be so much better but instead they’re IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I’ve been playing 4 months straight DESPARATELY trying to figure out how the hell to hit consistently , looking up tip videos, following the tips in those videos , and getting NOWHERE. It’s absolutely INSANE I’ve been playing for 4 months on rookie and still can’t hit the [censored] ball with ANY semblance of consistency . FIX THIS!!!!! I just wanna build my team and have fun using them but instead I can’t enjoy the game at all. The developers have absolutely FAILED at making this game even close to playable for beginners .
Makes me wonder how you would do playing Road To The Show on beginner... nothing but straight fastballs down the middle pretty much... I want to increase the difficulty but want to wait to get the callup to AAA which for whatever reason hasn't happened yet... maybe I'll start a new RTTS and just put it on Dynamic and go from there... instead of calling myself doing Beginner AA, Rookie AAA, Veteran MLB and then increasing difficulty on my own every season after that... what hitting interface are you using... if you are using PCI/Zone then you might want to change it to Timing or Directional.
Is this a parody account?
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
You’ve made your game absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I just want to have a fun time building a good team on Diamond Dynasty and play against the AI on the lowest difficulties and have fun. Instead I’ve spent 4 months straight building my team and playing against the AI on rookie where I can’t hit a goddamn thing . The hell were the developers thinking with this game?? I’m playing on rookie!!! I should be able to pick up the game and in a couple days be able to smash home runs and have fun playing the game . Instead the pitchers on THE SUPPOSEDLY EASIEST DIFFICULTY are picking corners perfectly , pitching perfect sinkers that look like they’re gonna end up one place and then drop below the strike zone at the last second, and completely destroying me at the plate . I play a game in mini seasons against AI on rookie and I go through at bat after at bat of fouling balls over and over and striking out. Every once in 200 pitches I’ll get lucky and hit a ball which is usually just caught by the outfielder who it happens to fly directly too every [censored] time. This is RIDICULOUS . Every single other sports game I play I’m able to pick up and have fun with on the easier difficulties almost immediately . This is the only game where one of the MAIN important actions you need to be able to do in the game is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE . This is the simplest thing to fix . Keep the challenging difficult aspects of the game around for the better players on the higher difficulties and for people who want to play online against one another in ranked or whatever , and make the easier difficulties against the AI ACTUALLY EASY. If I’m in the general vacinity of the pitch with my PCI make it a hit. Make it much more likely to hit the gaps . These easier difficulties could be so much better but instead they’re IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I’ve been playing 4 months straight DESPARATELY trying to figure out how the hell to hit consistently , looking up tip videos, following the tips in those videos , and getting NOWHERE. It’s absolutely INSANE I’ve been playing for 4 months on rookie and still can’t hit the [censored] ball with ANY semblance of consistency . FIX THIS!!!!! I just wanna build my team and have fun using them but instead I can’t enjoy the game at all. The developers have absolutely FAILED at making this game even close to playable for beginners .
@romeischillin said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
You’ve made your game absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I just want to have a fun time building a good team on Diamond Dynasty and play against the AI on the lowest difficulties and have fun. Instead I’ve spent 4 months straight building my team and playing against the AI on rookie where I can’t hit a goddamn thing . The hell were the developers thinking with this game?? I’m playing on rookie!!! I should be able to pick up the game and in a couple days be able to smash home runs and have fun playing the game . Instead the pitchers on THE SUPPOSEDLY EASIEST DIFFICULTY are picking corners perfectly , pitching perfect sinkers that look like they’re gonna end up one place and then drop below the strike zone at the last second, and completely destroying me at the plate . I play a game in mini seasons against AI on rookie and I go through at bat after at bat of fouling balls over and over and striking out. Every once in 200 pitches I’ll get lucky and hit a ball which is usually just caught by the outfielder who it happens to fly directly too every [censored] time. This is RIDICULOUS . Every single other sports game I play I’m able to pick up and have fun with on the easier difficulties almost immediately . This is the only game where one of the MAIN important actions you need to be able to do in the game is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE . This is the simplest thing to fix . Keep the challenging difficult aspects of the game around for the better players on the higher difficulties and for people who want to play online against one another in ranked or whatever , and make the easier difficulties against the AI ACTUALLY EASY. If I’m in the general vacinity of the pitch with my PCI make it a hit. Make it much more likely to hit the gaps . These easier difficulties could be so much better but instead they’re IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I’ve been playing 4 months straight DESPARATELY trying to figure out how the hell to hit consistently , looking up tip videos, following the tips in those videos , and getting NOWHERE. It’s absolutely INSANE I’ve been playing for 4 months on rookie and still can’t hit the [censored] ball with ANY semblance of consistency . FIX THIS!!!!! I just wanna build my team and have fun using them but instead I can’t enjoy the game at all. The developers have absolutely FAILED at making this game even close to playable for beginners .
Makes me wonder how you would do playing Road To The Show on beginner... nothing but straight fastballs down the middle pretty much... I want to increase the difficulty but want to wait to get the callup to AAA which for whatever reason hasn't happened yet... maybe I'll start a new RTTS and just put it on Dynamic and go from there... instead of calling myself doing Beginner AA, Rookie AAA, Veteran MLB and then increasing difficulty on my own every season after that... what hitting interface are you using... if you are using PCI/Zone then you might want to change it to Timing or Directional.
That’s the thing. I WANT to play Diamond Dynasty. I love sports and play all the ultimate team card modes in all the sports games and thoroughly enjoy putting together a team and collecting cards. I should be able to do that and play the easiest difficulty without struggling it’s so frustrating .
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
You’ve made your game absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I just want to have a fun time building a good team on Diamond Dynasty and play against the AI on the lowest difficulties and have fun. Instead I’ve spent 4 months straight building my team and playing against the AI on rookie where I can’t hit a goddamn thing . The hell were the developers thinking with this game?? I’m playing on rookie!!! I should be able to pick up the game and in a couple days be able to smash home runs and have fun playing the game . Instead the pitchers on THE SUPPOSEDLY EASIEST DIFFICULTY are picking corners perfectly , pitching perfect sinkers that look like they’re gonna end up one place and then drop below the strike zone at the last second, and completely destroying me at the plate . I play a game in mini seasons against AI on rookie and I go through at bat after at bat of fouling balls over and over and striking out. Every once in 200 pitches I’ll get lucky and hit a ball which is usually just caught by the outfielder who it happens to fly directly too every [censored] time. This is RIDICULOUS . Every single other sports game I play I’m able to pick up and have fun with on the easier difficulties almost immediately . This is the only game where one of the MAIN important actions you need to be able to do in the game is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE . This is the simplest thing to fix . Keep the challenging difficult aspects of the game around for the better players on the higher difficulties and for people who want to play online against one another in ranked or whatever , and make the easier difficulties against the AI ACTUALLY EASY. If I’m in the general vacinity of the pitch with my PCI make it a hit. Make it much more likely to hit the gaps . These easier difficulties could be so much better but instead they’re IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I’ve been playing 4 months straight DESPARATELY trying to figure out how the hell to hit consistently , looking up tip videos, following the tips in those videos , and getting NOWHERE. It’s absolutely INSANE I’ve been playing for 4 months on rookie and still can’t hit the [censored] ball with ANY semblance of consistency . FIX THIS!!!!! I just wanna build my team and have fun using them but instead I can’t enjoy the game at all. The developers have absolutely FAILED at making this game even close to playable for beginners .
When I began playing regularly (16), I played Franchise on beginner. I created players that were maxed out (and named them after superheroes) and smashed home runs almost every at bat. My pitchers would throw perfect games on a regular basis. I was winning games 30 and 40 to nothing. I had a lot of fun doing this until I was tutored and taught by a great group of guys how to play DD. Now I struggle through DD, but I enjoy the challenge, so I think it is more fun.
Try starting a Franchise with your favorite team, on beginner, and get used to the game. You'll pick it up easier that way and then be ready to move into more difficult levels. Just a thought.
@theBlindRhino said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
Is this a parody account?
I assure you it’s not . Just someone desperately trying to have fun playing a game in DD but can’t do it no matter how hard I try .
@Blind_Bleeder said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
You’ve made your game absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I just want to have a fun time building a good team on Diamond Dynasty and play against the AI on the lowest difficulties and have fun. Instead I’ve spent 4 months straight building my team and playing against the AI on rookie where I can’t hit a goddamn thing . The hell were the developers thinking with this game?? I’m playing on rookie!!! I should be able to pick up the game and in a couple days be able to smash home runs and have fun playing the game . Instead the pitchers on THE SUPPOSEDLY EASIEST DIFFICULTY are picking corners perfectly , pitching perfect sinkers that look like they’re gonna end up one place and then drop below the strike zone at the last second, and completely destroying me at the plate . I play a game in mini seasons against AI on rookie and I go through at bat after at bat of fouling balls over and over and striking out. Every once in 200 pitches I’ll get lucky and hit a ball which is usually just caught by the outfielder who it happens to fly directly too every [censored] time. This is RIDICULOUS . Every single other sports game I play I’m able to pick up and have fun with on the easier difficulties almost immediately . This is the only game where one of the MAIN important actions you need to be able to do in the game is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE . This is the simplest thing to fix . Keep the challenging difficult aspects of the game around for the better players on the higher difficulties and for people who want to play online against one another in ranked or whatever , and make the easier difficulties against the AI ACTUALLY EASY. If I’m in the general vacinity of the pitch with my PCI make it a hit. Make it much more likely to hit the gaps . These easier difficulties could be so much better but instead they’re IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I’ve been playing 4 months straight DESPARATELY trying to figure out how the hell to hit consistently , looking up tip videos, following the tips in those videos , and getting NOWHERE. It’s absolutely INSANE I’ve been playing for 4 months on rookie and still can’t hit the [censored] ball with ANY semblance of consistency . FIX THIS!!!!! I just wanna build my team and have fun using them but instead I can’t enjoy the game at all. The developers have absolutely FAILED at making this game even close to playable for beginners .
When I began playing regularly (16), I played Franchise on beginner. I created players that were maxed out (and named them after superheroes) and smashed home runs almost every at bat. My pitchers would throw perfect games on a regular basis. I was winning games 30 and 40 to nothing. I had a lot of fun doing this until I was tutored and taught by a great group of guys how to play DD. Now I struggle through DD, but I enjoy the challenge, so I think it is more fun.
Try starting a Franchise with your favorite team, on beginner, and get used to the game. You'll pick it up easier that way and then be ready to move into more difficult levels. Just a thought.
Thanks for the advice . I just really really enjoy playing the ultimate team card modes in sports games . I’m a massive hockey fan and play HUT, I play MUT, I play MyTeam in 2k. I just really like collecting the best cards and building good teams. Every one of those games I was able to pick up playing the lowest difficulty in those game modes and then move up as I got better pretty quickly. This is the ONLY game I can’t even play on the lowest difficulty . It’s really frustrating .
I believe on rookie the CPU pitchers have worse control. Therefore a majority of the pitches are going to be out of the strikezone. Baseball is a game of patience and maybe the others you mentioned aren't so much. Why not try out other difficulties and see if your luck changes.
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
You’ve made your game absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I just want to have a fun time building a good team on Diamond Dynasty and play against the AI on the lowest difficulties and have fun. Instead I’ve spent 4 months straight building my team and playing against the AI on rookie where I can’t hit a goddamn thing . The hell were the developers thinking with this game?? I’m playing on rookie!!! I should be able to pick up the game and in a couple days be able to smash home runs and have fun playing the game . Instead the pitchers on THE SUPPOSEDLY EASIEST DIFFICULTY are picking corners perfectly , pitching perfect sinkers that look like they’re gonna end up one place and then drop below the strike zone at the last second, and completely destroying me at the plate . I play a game in mini seasons against AI on rookie and I go through at bat after at bat of fouling balls over and over and striking out. Every once in 200 pitches I’ll get lucky and hit a ball which is usually just caught by the outfielder who it happens to fly directly too every [censored] time. This is RIDICULOUS . Every single other sports game I play I’m able to pick up and have fun with on the easier difficulties almost immediately . This is the only game where one of the MAIN important actions you need to be able to do in the game is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE . This is the simplest thing to fix . Keep the challenging difficult aspects of the game around for the better players on the higher difficulties and for people who want to play online against one another in ranked or whatever , and make the easier difficulties against the AI ACTUALLY EASY. If I’m in the general vacinity of the pitch with my PCI make it a hit. Make it much more likely to hit the gaps . These easier difficulties could be so much better but instead they’re IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I’ve been playing 4 months straight DESPARATELY trying to figure out how the hell to hit consistently , looking up tip videos, following the tips in those videos , and getting NOWHERE. It’s absolutely INSANE I’ve been playing for 4 months on rookie and still can’t hit the [censored] ball with ANY semblance of consistency . FIX THIS!!!!! I just wanna build my team and have fun using them but instead I can’t enjoy the game at all. The developers have absolutely FAILED at making this game even close to playable for beginners .
When I began playing regularly (16), I played Franchise on beginner. I created players that were maxed out (and named them after superheroes) and smashed home runs almost every at bat. My pitchers would throw perfect games on a regular basis. I was winning games 30 and 40 to nothing. I had a lot of fun doing this until I was tutored and taught by a great group of guys how to play DD. Now I struggle through DD, but I enjoy the challenge, so I think it is more fun.
Try starting a Franchise with your favorite team, on beginner, and get used to the game. You'll pick it up easier that way and then be ready to move into more difficult levels. Just a thought.
Thanks for the advice . I just really really enjoy playing the ultimate team card modes in sports games . I’m a massive hockey fan and play HUT, I play MUT, I play MyTeam in 2k. I just really like collecting the best cards and building good teams. Every one of those games I was able to pick up playing the lowest difficulty in those game modes and then move up as I got better pretty quickly. This is the ONLY game I can’t even play on the lowest difficulty . It’s really frustrating .
It's said there is nothing more difficult than to hit a round ball with a round bat and be successful at a game you are supposed to fail at (to be considered good). Baseball ain't an easy game to play.
@theBlindRhino said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
I believe on rookie the CPU pitchers have worse control. Therefore a majority of the pitches are going to be out of the strikezone. Baseball is a game of patience and maybe the others you mentioned aren't so much. Why not try out other difficulties and see if your luck changes.
Thanks for the advice. I suppose I’ll give it a shot .
I don't know how good your team is (for going against some of the great teams in Mini Seasons) but in all seriousness, I would try playing on all-star difficulty. It sounds crazy, but you are much more likely to get pitches in the zone, and the pitch speed is a tiny, tiny bit faster so you aren't early on fastballs. At least I am when I play on rookie.
Other than that I guess all I can say is the cliche that it is just a game, try not to let it get to you. Easier said than done while playing sometimes I know.
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
@theBlindRhino said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
I believe on rookie the CPU pitchers have worse control. Therefore a majority of the pitches are going to be out of the strikezone. Baseball is a game of patience and maybe the others you mentioned aren't so much. Why not try out other difficulties and see if your luck changes.
Thanks for the advice. I suppose I’ll give it a shot .
I will agree with you on this fact. Between NHL, FIFA, Madden and NBA2k. MLB the show the easiest difficulty in this case Rookie is the hardest of all sports games. Example in FIFA if i am playing on Rookie I am winning 30-0+ playing Squad battles in Fifa Ultimate team. Some of these games on Rookie in MLB in conquest i win 2-0, 3-0 with perfect lineouts galore.
SDS does need to take a closer look into their Rookie difficulty especially for people that just picking up the game.
OP what hitting interface are you using? If you are using Zone, you might want to change to Directional or Timing as was mentioned. Those are easier to hit with for beginners and you can work your way up to Zone when you start getting better at making contact.
Rookie difficulty should absolutely be easier but when you factor in the RNG, CPU pitchers dotting up the zone, and the timing/PCI aspect required to be a good hitter the game can be extremely frustrating with a super steep learning curve. The hardcore players will tear you apart for this post and scream at you to just get good but it would be fun to be able to just pick up and play a game without waiting for your pitch every at bat. I’m not new to the game but I sympathize with those that are as it’s not forgiving to newbies. There simply isn’t enough difference between rookie, veteran and all star difficulty. Makes grinding stats extremely mind numbing most times even for vets of the Show.
I agree with you. I have played for many years so I am fine but my son has wanted to get into the game because he sees me enjoy it but it's just too hard for him. He has tried it each year for the past 3 now (he's 11) and lasts a few days to a week before he gets tired of losing every game 1-0 or 2-1 and gives up.
fubar2k7replied to DRUMREIGN93 on Jun 27, 2023, 11:00 PM last edited by fubar2k7_PSN Jun 27, 2023, 11:01 PM
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
You’ve made your game absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I just want to have a fun time building a good team on Diamond Dynasty and play against the AI on the lowest difficulties and have fun. Instead I’ve spent 4 months straight building my team and playing against the AI on rookie where I can’t hit a goddamn thing . The hell were the developers thinking with this game?? I’m playing on rookie!!! I should be able to pick up the game and in a couple days be able to smash home runs and have fun playing the game . Instead the pitchers on THE SUPPOSEDLY EASIEST DIFFICULTY are picking corners perfectly , pitching perfect sinkers that look like they’re gonna end up one place and then drop below the strike zone at the last second, and completely destroying me at the plate . I play a game in mini seasons against AI on rookie and I go through at bat after at bat of fouling balls over and over and striking out. Every once in 200 pitches I’ll get lucky and hit a ball which is usually just caught by the outfielder who it happens to fly directly too every [censored] time. This is RIDICULOUS . Every single other sports game I play I’m able to pick up and have fun with on the easier difficulties almost immediately . This is the only game where one of the MAIN important actions you need to be able to do in the game is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE . This is the simplest thing to fix . Keep the challenging difficult aspects of the game around for the better players on the higher difficulties and for people who want to play online against one another in ranked or whatever , and make the easier difficulties against the AI ACTUALLY EASY. If I’m in the general vacinity of the pitch with my PCI make it a hit. Make it much more likely to hit the gaps . These easier difficulties could be so much better but instead they’re IMPOSSIBLE for beginners . I’ve been playing 4 months straight DESPARATELY trying to figure out how the hell to hit consistently , looking up tip videos, following the tips in those videos , and getting NOWHERE. It’s absolutely INSANE I’ve been playing for 4 months on rookie and still can’t hit the [censored] ball with ANY semblance of consistency . FIX THIS!!!!! I just wanna build my team and have fun using them but instead I can’t enjoy the game at all. The developers have absolutely FAILED at making this game even close to playable for beginners .
Even though you’re new try Veteran. Trust me and try it. I’ve been playing since 2006 and rookie is convoluted to me because the junk ballers are impossible on rookie and you get them frequently in DD. I play my franchise on Hall of Fame but when I come into DD and play Conquest I can’t play that high or I’ll get destroyed so I play that at Veteran and the pitch speeds are more comparable for me. Rookie the ball seems hinky.
Thanks for all the tips guys. I’ll try some of your advice out. Some of the things are tips I’ve already gotten and tried and still didn’t work. Like trying directional hitting and stuff. Still couldn’t hit on that either. (Partly because I don’t really understand how it’s supposed to work, do you use the direction to where the pitch ends up or is the direction where you wanna aim where your hit goes? Confused me and still couldn’t hit lol) And I hear some of the stuff you guys are saying. I’ve already tried veteran difficulty and had pretty much the same experience . I’ll try all star like someone else suggested and see how it goes. It’s just frustrating. I acknowledge I’m bad at the game but I just don’t think it should take a beginner more than 4 months of playing for a couple hours every night to even be able to win a game on the lower difficulties against the AI. It’s insane . I’m not saying they should take away the challenge for better players that want the harder aspects I just want them to have both options. I should be able to enjoy building my team in diamond dynasty and playing the AI on rookie or veteran and be able to win games against AI. Just sucks that’s all
@joshdcarr25 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
I agree with you. I have played for many years so I am fine but my son has wanted to get into the game because he sees me enjoy it but it's just too hard for him. He has tried it each year for the past 3 now (he's 11) and lasts a few days to a week before he gets tired of losing every game 1-0 or 2-1 and gives up.
This made me laugh a bit because that’s my EXACT experience . I lose every single game 1-0 or 2-1 if I’m lucky enough to get a couple hits . And I’m 29 LOL. I’m pretty good at other sports games though which is what frustrates me so much. I play on the highest difficulty in NHL 23 and online I finish top 100 in champs every week . Similiar with other sports games. This is the first game I just don’t seem to be able to get any better and it sucks . Tell your son I feel his pain though
@DRUMREIGN93 said in Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!:
Thanks for all the tips guys. I’ll try some of your advice out. Some of the things are tips I’ve already gotten and tried and still didn’t work. Like trying directional hitting and stuff. Still couldn’t hit on that either. (Partly because I don’t really understand how it’s supposed to work, do you use the direction to where the pitch ends up or is the direction where you wanna aim where your hit goes? Confused me and still couldn’t hit lol) And I hear some of the stuff you guys are saying. I’ve already tried veteran difficulty and had pretty much the same experience . I’ll try all star like someone else suggested and see how it goes. It’s just frustrating. I acknowledge I’m bad at the game but I just don’t think it should take a beginner more than 4 months of playing for a couple hours every night to even be able to win a game on the lower difficulties against the AI. It’s insane . I’m not saying they should take away the challenge for better players that want the harder aspects I just want them to have both options. I should be able to enjoy building my team in diamond dynasty and playing the AI on rookie or veteran and be able to win games against AI. Just sucks that’s all
Directional hitting is just like Timing, except you can pull the ball. The arrow is which way you want to pull the ball. The trick to Directional is to not use the power swing unless the hitter has a high Vision attribute because a power swing cuts that down - almost in half, I believe.
It sounds like your timing is way off. If you're not hitting on Directional, that is what the problem is. With that in mind, what is your setup? Is your console wired to your router or wifi? Are you using a TV or monitor? If a TV, is it set to game mode? What is the latency on it.
When I began DD (20) I couldn't hit anything, but then it was brought to my attention that my setup was less than optional. I was running my console signal through an old A/V stereo into a plasma TV. When I went directly to the TV, it helped my timing, but I was still late on everything. When I switched to a monitor and connected my console directly to my router is what made the biggest difference. Also, are you on a PS4, Switch, XBox One? Those will be more difficult to hit with because they are last gen.