Just hit 800 in ranked seasons :)
My first time ever getting there!! And I finally have a winning record 2 games above .500 lol I still suck but I’ve definitely been improving. Not sure how I feel about hitting 800 I strike out a lot when playing on HOF I would’ve preferred all star still lol but any how I made it!!
Congratulations! It’s just the best feeling breaking through your barriers like that.
CONGRATS! I have only made it to the low 700s a few times before I 'ran out of talent'.
What you do different that made u reach 800
@XxkomandoxXzero_XBL said in Just hit 800 in ranked seasons
What you do different that made u reach 800
I was on old gen upgraded to current gen, played on a monitor, and got control freaks. Also got a new Controller power A type.
I still hit using directional cause I suck using zone but the controll freak + the power A controller help me tremendously while pitching getting perfect input a lot more often.
@H-TOWN713-X1HQX_XBL said in Just hit 800 in ranked seasons
@XxkomandoxXzero_XBL said in Just hit 800 in ranked seasons
What you do different that made u reach 800
I was on old gen upgraded to current gen, played on a monitor, and got control freaks. Also got a new Controller power A type.
I still hit using directional cause I suck using zone but the controll freak + the power A controller help me tremendously while pitching getting perfect input a lot more often.
You got to 800 using directional? That my friend is impressive. I wouldnt think you could play at all on HoF using directional.
Congrats on 800! Why are you using kontrol freaks if you are using directional? Kontreal freaks are to aid fine movement and prevent pci slamming you get with zone hitting. They don't do anything to aid directional?
@aaronjw76_PSN said in Just hit 800 in ranked seasons
Congrats on 800! Why are you using kontrol freaks if you are using directional? Kontreal freaks are to aid fine movement and prevent pci slamming you get with zone hitting. They don't do anything to aid directional?
They don’t but I find it useful for pin point pitching. I just bought them like 2 weeks ago and tried zone woth them but as usual I was horrible at it.
@H-TOWN713-X1HQX_XBL said in Just hit 800 in ranked seasons
@aaronjw76_PSN said in Just hit 800 in ranked seasons
Congrats on 800! Why are you using kontrol freaks if you are using directional? Kontreal freaks are to aid fine movement and prevent pci slamming you get with zone hitting. They don't do anything to aid directional?
They don’t but I find it useful for pin point pitching. I just bought them like 2 weeks ago and tried zone woth them but as usual I was horrible at it.
Play the game how you like to play! It is a game after all and it should be enjoyed.
Keep up the progress and congratulations!
800 using directional is insane, congrats man, it feels so good to break through! Keep the good stuff going