More Levels In RTTS
As a fan of the Mets, I know how Single-A talent is usually just there to get people used to professional baseball, but for the people that want to stay on one RTTS ballplayer for longer, this would help. I suggest adding the ability to full experience the MLB call up experience by adding the ability to start in Low Class-A, ex. for the Mets, it would be St. Lucie Mets (Low Class-A), Brooklyn Cyclones (High Class-A), Birmingham Rumble Ponies (Double-A), Syracuse Mets (Triple-A), New York Mets (MLB). For some people that want an even longer experience from the start. I would love to be drafted out of college, or have some sort of "NCAA CWS" that we could play before we get drafted, sorta like Madden's old "Face Of The Francise". I would also love to see more to do after the first 2 years, because after playing the first couple years, there isn't anymore scenes, or big things other than milestones and awards. This would help players have more play time on RTTS and overall would help playtime on MLB The Show 23.
Gonna open with the "technical" issue: adding 50-ish x 30 players (stats, attributes, etc.) to the game full time for what is expected to be a "short" lead in is a lot of space being used on each save...
On that note, comparing the NFL who uses high school ball as a sort of AA and college ball as a AAA isn't exactly the best lead in to "this is why I want to spend time in the super-low minors"...
Also, even my first character in '23 here bereft of all the super perks, equipment, etc. had the attributes / OVR to be in AAA late may to early june, but doesn't get he call till Mid-July's All Star Break "for reasons". I'd hate to have near AAA stats in A-ball, when my goal is to play in the Bigs ASAP...
Though I, and I suspect many others, would agree: there's little to nothing but "maxxing out" and "filling achievements" to RTTS after that first / second season. If SDS wants to "make RTTS better", it's in the post-diamond third+ season that the content needs to be geared for...