What I love best about this game.
Playing a 9 inning Play vs CPU game. Best game I've ever played. Every single one of my batters have multiple hits. Even had four of them hit for the cycle.
Going into the last inning with a 87 - 0 score.
Going to complete MULTIPLE PXP missions.
Last pitch of the game and the batter swings and as soon as he misses the ball; the got dayum game crashed on me.
Don't see anything about a possible fix in the Game Update notes.
I want my PXP!
Umm you would still get your pxp as after your 8th batter pxp counts and will register even if the game crashes.
Also Im pretty sure this crash isn't an issue SDS has focused on cause there isn't anyone else complaining about yhe game crashing up 80 some runs vs the cpu this is the one and only time its been brought up
that sucks my man, brutal! I've had three crashes in the last week alone on PS4. that blue screen pops up and says an error occurred with some stupid random number. And no, no PXP accrued. it's like the game never occurred. beyond frustrating.
I am crashing when playing at Camden Yards in Orioles unis in v CPU 9 inning mode