Silver 25 pack
Took Sanchez first time around not really a fan of the choices thinking about going Morton and using him basically as an opener/5 starter/long reliever type guy. Anyone use him? Or have any suggestions
I took Mondessi first and he’s been great. Seems to hit everything hard.
@CanucksNoCups said in Silver 25 pack:
Reyes isn't bad
He’s owned me everytime I faced him I just think I’m set in my rotation so kinda second guessing on him. Thanks for responding
I took Morton. Good long reliver. Sanchez is too close to his live card and there better live choices that him on the cheap like Willson Contreras.
Can't go wrong with Mondesi
@Catman9186 said in Silver 25 pack:
I took Morton. Good long reliver. Sanchez is too close to his live card and there better live choices that him on the cheap like Willson Contreras.
Having posey and biggio I can easily say Gary is the best catcher in the game. and you being a yankees fan and not picking him is just wrong lol
Morton is great for the purposes you listed. I took him first and has been great out of the pen
Mondesi is an absolute beast. Hits for a lot of power surprisingly and his speed kills. He’s one of those cards that playes well above his stats