You have been disconnected from The Show Online
Twice last night I got kicked during the middle of a Battle Royale game in what looked like it was headed for a freeze off (once tied, once while winning). Both counted as loss. Message: You have been disconnected from The Show Online
This afternoon I got kicked mid-Showdown!!?? Same error message, counted as a loss. Get to start that over.
Then tonight in 2 straight Ranked Seasons games I get the exact same thing. BR/Showdown/Ranked….nowhere is safe?? Is anyone else getting stalked by this bug??
I submitted a report with pics and video after the last straw with my Ranked games. I’ll let you know if SDS Support remedies the situation but I’m done spending money only to lose while winning.
Wired connection? Crossplay off?
Yes Wired connection.
No I don’t have cross play set to off. Is that a problem?Still doesn’t explain how the same issue could occur in a showdown?