The shift - Why still able to do it?
MLB eliminated the shift, why isn’t it coded into the game?
It is coded just like MLB. The shift isn't banned, just no extreme shift! Infielders must be on the dirt and two on either side of 2B.
all I know is I hate using the shift in game (don't care if it's used against me)
So many times I've lost a game against the computer because players weren't where they were suppose to be. So I turn auto shift off and make it so I have to manually shift If I want to use it -
@a761506 said in The shift - Why still able to do it?:
MLB eliminated the shift, why isn’t it coded into the game?
When did MLB eliminate the shift??
@a761506 said in The shift - Why still able to do it?:
MLB eliminated the shift, why isn’t it coded into the game?
Shift was not eliminated, MLB made some adjustments, for example all infielders should be in the sand, and two on each side of the 2nd base bag. They never said teams can’t shift and leave 3rd base line open against Joc Pederson.
Personally, that was a bad move by MLB. If a team positions its players this way it means there are lots of open space for basically free hits in other areas, but because MLB pampers these entitled millionaire babies, they get the shift eliminated.
Perhaps these weak-willed players should learn to hit instead of the now sport wide "close eyes, swing real hard" mentality that has helped ruin the game.
@darkblue1876 said in The shift - Why still able to do it?:
Personally, that was a bad move by MLB. If a team positions its players this way it means there are lots of open space for basically free hits in other areas, but because MLB pampers these entitled millionaire babies, they get the shift eliminated.
Perhaps these weak-willed players should learn to hit instead of the now sport wide "close eyes, swing real hard" mentality that has helped ruin the game.
A guy who throws 94-96 would have been a fire-baller 20 years ago; now he’s just average/above average. Don’t see many Oroscos and Moyers these days. Pitching has gotten a lot better in my lifetime, to the detriment of health and longevity.
@darkblue1876 said in The shift - Why still able to do it?:
Personally, that was a bad move by MLB. If a team positions its players this way it means there are lots of open space for basically free hits in other areas, but because MLB pampers these entitled millionaire babies, they get the shift eliminated.
Perhaps these weak-willed players should learn to hit instead of the now sport wide "close eyes, swing real hard" mentality that has helped ruin the game.
Rough night last night?
@The_Canuckler said in The shift - Why still able to do it?:
@darkblue1876 said in The shift - Why still able to do it?:
Personally, that was a bad move by MLB. If a team positions its players this way it means there are lots of open space for basically free hits in other areas, but because MLB pampers these entitled millionaire babies, they get the shift eliminated.
Perhaps these weak-willed players should learn to hit instead of the now sport wide "close eyes, swing real hard" mentality that has helped ruin the game.
Rough night last night?
No, I am just sick of players stepping into the batters box and trying to hit every single pitch 600 miles away.
I promise you that if guys started learning to hit to the opposite field for free doubles that teams would stop using the shift automatically, and then the normal holes in the defense would be available.
Last year 13 players hit over .300, and of those 6 hit 2 or 3 points over that. I don't go out of my way to watch a game that has devolved into home run derby.
@darkblue1876 said in The shift - Why still able to do it?:
Perhaps these weak-willed players should learn to hit instead of the now sport wide "close eyes, swing real hard" mentality that has helped ruin the game.
Analytically, going the other way for a single isn't "worth" it. Atleast according to the teams. It was the teams teaching and pushing the players to only worry about hitting for power and to "swing real hard"
@castigRI said in The shift - Why still able to do it?:
Analytically, going the other way for a single isn't "worth" it. Atleast according to the teams. It was the teams teaching and pushing the players to only worry about hitting for power and to "swing real hard"
And that's why baseball sucks now. It's just every pitcher trying to throw every pitch through the catcher, umpire and down the street to players who just close their eyes and swing as hard as possible to hit the ball as far as possible.
There is nothing wrong with a single. This is NOT baseball, it's home run derby, and that's why attendance has declined 14% in the last 4 years.