No award after looping xp program
I just looped the xp program but it didn’t send me to the randomizer, it just gave me 5 packs. Is it glitched??? I’ve looped it about 4 times now and this is the first time it’s happened
Same thing just happened to me. I have completed the loop twice before and got the random reward, but my third time didn’t show up. I have 5 packs in my inventory too. I would at least like to be given hope of getting another boss pack.
You probably got 7,500 stubs added to your account. I think that’s what happened to me when my spin was skipped last night.
ThaGhettoBlastawrote on Apr 15, 2023, 3:43 PM last edited by ThaGhettoBlasta_PSN Apr 15, 2023, 3:45 PM
Here's the the thing with this spin wheel. Your spin is litterally predetermined. You get the award before you get the spin. Next time you restart you'll get the spin and you'll see the prize and you won't get it. It's weird, but you are getting the packs, just earlier than the spin.
@ThaGhettoBlasta said in No award after looping xp program:
Here's the the thing with this spin wheel. Your spin is litterally predetermined
Sometimes going to the program tab will run the loop again and you get the mini game.
For clarification: the reward is definitely randomly chosen, but the actual “randomizer” screen isn’t determining it. When you hit 25k exp, your reward is automatically randomly decided. The randomizer just shows you the result and makes it look like THAT’s when it’s getting randomized.