RTTS Dreams
Repeatable post-diamond progression - I made like 8 RTTS characters for 22 so that I could reap the XP awards from the progressions (bronze, silver, gold, diamond) over various programs.
For this to work, i think it would have to progress at a rate equivalent to the gold tier - if it was repeated diamond rates it'd still be beneficial to roll the multiple characters, but at gold it's not quite as fast as multiples but "close enough".
Could hand out more of the lower ranked perks while doing this, too, not every perk has to be diamond level - say one of each tier perk per run throughStart the RTTS character's career in 2022 (not 23), and "lock" team trades for the "22 season". Character could then spend a full year in the minors, and maybe earn himself a slot on the big club during spring training - and play a full year with the 23 roster. I wanted to do that with my multiple Red Sox and Cardinals players, but was brought to the big show every August 2022, and of course a couple of months later, offseason.
allow meteoric rises up through the organization - my current character is a 75 C 76 SP for the Cards, and sits behind only Molina on the C depth chart, and is around the #3 MLB pitcher overall - so why isn't he in the big show already if not for this "hard cap" that keeps him in AA till just before the ASG.
Is the Ohtani rule (2 way pitchers being able to hit in games they pitch) going to be implemented?
For the 23 game,yes it's in DD so while we won't know until the rtts stream, there isn't any reason why it wouldn't be.
I would like much more interaction with my ballplayer and other players, the fans and my coaches. My agent needs to be available 24/7/365, not this well, I haven't heard from darkblue since opening day and it's now nearing the trade deadline, better call him up.
They go to all this trouble to have the media scrutinize your rookie season, but then they never say a word about you ever again. How about the occasional interview, the ability to do charity work like Rizzo and many others do.
significantly improved contract negotiations. Also why even have them if the money does nothing for your player. At the end of your career, you are still sitting in the same room as the day you were drafted. More variety in what draft position I end up in. I know they used to have a one or two game pre-draft showcase, maybe have that return and actually mean something this time.
I am nearing the end of my first CAP's career, and have set nearly all the records, but other than the in-game coverage the media was nonexistent. When you retire, they need to have a recap of your career highlights in a reel if you made the hall, and some brief recap and an image of your plaque. If you played at say HOF and didn't do as well.
Also, if you play at a super difficult level and don't make it, you get the meeting with the manager where you get sent packing. Maybe they could show a video package of your blunders as an eye opener.
Let you have a home where you can make upgrades (that don't affect your attributes) but show your lifestyle getting better or selling them if it gets worse. Your house could then have a trophy room.
A much wider variation of ways your CAP gets called up to other levels, and/or demoted to them. You are in AA, but the big league player at your position gets hurt, the AAA guy gets the call up, and you get promoted to cover the AAA guy. After 21 days everyone else shifts back to their original position.
I haven't seen it, but possibly thrown in a trade to another team.
No more random, out of nowhere requests to move from your current position that you are dominating in, to another position. At least tell me why just before the MILB AA all-star game I am moved from Right to Left, despite being in the running for the gold glove at that position. I didn't play 22, but no more forced 2-way players. Let the player decide how his career goes.
No more archetypes. Let me earn my upgrades by on field play. Perhaps like in the old days where I used to get points that I could use on any attribute I wanted to.
I haven't done a pitcher in the limited time I have been back, but I have heard it basically takes an act of God to get another pitch to add to the arsenal.