PCI help.
I’m very beginner at PCI. I have issues pulling down on analog, timing etc. what are YOU looking for on a pitch released. Where are you placing your PCI upon swinging? I feel like my placement is good, but then it always shows underneath the ball, or a change up that has dropped completely off the face of the earth. I guess this is more about pitch recognition than anything.
Your last part is probably correct. Pitch recognition is key. Other than that, if you find yourself slamming the stick down too much you should try and lay off on pitches low and if you do have to swing at them in a 2 strike count, leave it center. Even if that means you get on top of it for a groundball. It'll grow on you in time how much you should move the stick down.
As for PCI placement, I just start middle/middle and react to everything. -
I watch the pitchers release point with my PCI dead center. I’ll stare at the batters eye where the pitch is coming from
Watching if the ball moves up at all on release can help you recognize curveballs, well and sinkers but those are a different story.
Turn it off, helps you focus on the ball and not the PCI. Just an idea. Your hands/finger movements will usually go where your eyes are looking. This applies to many things in life.
Not sure how to explain without an image/video but I’ll give it a shot.
Try shifting the analog stick closer to under your knuckle or on the flat portion of your thumb (halfway from fingertip to the knuckle) rather than using the tip of your thumb. It’s a little weird at first but I found it easier to stop making such drastic movements with the stick and over compensating the movements.
Keep practicing with the PCI buddy, its like training wheels for this game and when you're good enough then you can graduate to Analog Stride