Any new content coming soon?
I noticed the schedule ran out. I'm wondering if they're just behind the ball a bit because of their Summer Circuit thingy-ma-jig. I saw something about a new Takashi set, does anyone know anything else? Thanks.
Bob_Loblaw1984wrote on Jun 20, 2022, 4:41 PM last edited by Bob_Loblaw1984_PSN Jun 20, 2022, 4:41 PM
Event tomorrow with 2 future stars.
And lots more bans coming too. Without explanation of course. Always looking forward to that communication and content.
@bob_loblaw1984 said in Any new content coming soon?:
Event tomorrow with 2 future stars.
Thanks, maybe they'll update the schedule when the new event drops. Hopefully there will be some good week 4 content for the Future stars program this week as well.
@ericulous1_psn said in Any new content coming soon?:
@bob_loblaw1984 said in Any new content coming soon?:
Event tomorrow with 2 future stars.
Thanks, maybe they'll update the schedule when the new event drops. Hopefully there will be some good week 4 content for the Future stars program this week as well.
We have the Brewers Program coming as well.
Workfarternotsmarterreplied to samguenther1987 on Jun 21, 2022, 3:12 AM last edited by Workfarternotsmarter_MLBTS Jun 21, 2022, 3:12 AM
@samguenther1987 said in Any new content coming soon?:
@ericulous1_psn said in Any new content coming soon?:
@bob_loblaw1984 said in Any new content coming soon?:
Event tomorrow with 2 future stars.
Thanks, maybe they'll update the schedule when the new event drops. Hopefully there will be some good week 4 content for the Future stars program this week as well.
We have the Brewers Program coming as well.
cant wait for 85 dan pleasac with an 84 H/9
General when the schedule isn't updated right away they don't want to give away a reveal that's coming like that Takashi 2 pack
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Any new content coming soon?:
General when the schedule isn't updated right away they don't want to give away a reveal that's coming like that Takashi 2 pack
This, and not spoiling the planned reveals for the new feature program