Blue Meter Beside Pitches For my SP
OK I understand that the blue meter correlates with how confident your Pitcher is in each particular Pitch how do you increase the blue meters confidence in each pitch does it only go by if you’re dealing that game with particular one or can you do it over the course of your career and Build it Up??
The confidence meter for each pitch is mostly for that game only, although its starting position at the beginning of a game will be higher if you're coming off a good game and lower if you just had a bad game.
The meter goes up if you throw a strike or get an out with that pitch. It goes down if you throw a ball or give up a hit with that pitch. It also goes down slightly over time. Your #1 pitch will drop faster in confidence than your #4 or #5 pitch. That means you need to use your #1 pitch a lot more in order to keep confidence high.
Appreciate That Answer Man Forreal I’ve started to Notice if I’m grabbing 2 strikes with the 4SFB and then Finishing with the Circle Change it end up Being Both of those confidence Bar almost filled while my Curve & Sinker will lose almost all their power I Guess why it’s Better to Have only 3 Pitches Vs 4or 5