Funny High Diamond Pulls
So this year, I have purchased 3 high diamonds.
Tatis Jr, Vlad Jr (when in hundreds), and Tre Turner (when he was 90k)
The first pack I opened after those orders went through, I pulled that player.
I’ve never had anything like that happen before. I find it rather amusing lol. Has this happened to anyone else this year?
Not exactly like that, but about a month ago I saved up every stub I could, sold off every extra piece I didn’t need and bought Trout(~400k). I pulled him in a standard pack 2 days after .
I’ve opened a ton of packs this year and he’s the only OG(original Gatekeeper) from the start of the year, so at least I got the absolute best.
Ive only pulled Tatis as a high diamond. Ive yet to pull a single headliner card. I think that's funny considering how many headliner packs I have opened.
I've pulled LS Acuna 5 times. Sorry.
The other day I got him again!...nope. It was FotF Acuna. What a letdown. I was already planning how to spend the 200K stubs. When the card flipped, I was like, "So, it's the off-brand Acuna. Well, [censored]."
@virusts_xbl said in Funny High Diamond Pulls:
Ive only pulled Tatis as a high diamond. Ive yet to pull a single headliner card. I think that's funny considering how many headliner packs I have opened.
I've pulled 4 diamonds all year so far and none in my last 55 packs. Best so far has been Chris Sale. I am feeling very much snake bit this year so far.
@saintleo14_mlbts said in Funny High Diamond Pulls:
So this year, I have purchased 3 high diamonds.
Tatis Jr, Vlad Jr (when in hundreds), and Tre Turner (when he was 90k)
The first pack I opened after those orders went through, I pulled that player.
I’ve never had anything like that happen before. I find it rather amusing lol. Has this happened to anyone else this year?
Last year, the monday before labor day weekend i bought Trout to complete the collection before the stub sale and then pulled him 2 days later.