Cut down the freeze offs
I’ve had more freeze offs this year than any prior years playing this game and I’ve been playing since MLB 17. This has to be cleaned up. I’ve never had a huge issue with it until now and it’s making really hard to enjoy playing the game. Every time I get into an online game I shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not it will end with a freeze off. Y’all have to be better
I agree.... I have had 3 already, and have only played 15 RS games. It's ridiculous, how glitchy their servers are in 2022... it's like where other games were at in 2005. I've also had a ton of other weird glitches happen in BR and RS. It amazes me that the servers are an issue every single year in this game. The game could be so good without all the online issues they have. I also play Madden and GT7 and neither of those have issues like this... I wish The Show could be as smooth online as those games are.
Luckily I haven't had any freeze offs yet this year but about once to twice everyday when I'm in the load screen of a BR or RS game where it shows both teams lineups, the game will just crash and immediately go back to the xbox homepage. It seems like this is the only place it happens though. I haven't had it happen mid game.