Realistic settings for franchise
Looking for tips too make franchise as realistic as possible. Plan on very much slow playing it and taking my time, but just want some settings to try to get CPU stats and movement too be as normal as possible, and just and other ideas other people might have used in there own franchise modes. Thanks !
If you're looking for a very long term franchise and something that is more realistic with the MLB experience...try managing all teams. Lineups, MLB IL Only, manual trades for all teams (then you make the trades that MLB makes and when based on the date - make sure you turn off budget cap before starting the season). I also manage all Free Agents filling the holes and offers based on realistic possibilities. You may want to allow the computer to run contracts as it gets quite confusing and a major time commitment for arbitration and renewals, but if you have the time and interest manage those as well. Lastly, by controlling every team gives you the flexibility to change who you play with throughout the season to keep in fun and interesting. I personally will select 4-6 teams that I want to play with and changes those every 2 weeks. I also play three innings with one team and switch controller in game to the other team and then back every three innings. It's quite fun if you have the time. As well, my personal choice is to turn injuries to manual and follow along with MLB injuries and timelines. Gives a more realistic element to it as well as controlling the injury sliders is one extreme to the other and not very realisitc.
Lastly, I only play the games on M,W,F,Su and sim games on Tues, Thurs, Sat. It keeps the pace of a season moving along to allow for more games to play and provides a different element.
Hope this helps. Enjoy
I just suggest putting it on Legendary. I just think it’s more realistic in the fact that you have to put thought in your pitch selection and be patient at the plate. Hitting is pretty difficult, but I find pitching highly satisfying when you have a good game