Team Affinity
Who was the brainiac that came up with the brilliant idea to remove team affinity and tell us “we included it in the programs”? Who ever it was they need to be fired immediately…. You took away a major incentive for playing the game lol y’all really need new leadership from the top down or you will no longer have a player base.
Do you hate that they took it away because you have less to do or because you don't get 30 free diamond cards? Neither really have any merit but I'm just curious
It was a fun grind…. The point is they took away allot and replaced the program rewards.. so from the card prospective we got screwed there too. So we had two reward paths that were great.. and they combined them into one that’s not even close to what we had
Offline player here. I think getting rid of the crazy exchanges was a very good idea, and I wouldn't mind the change so much expect for the fact that i've already finished the entire program with 21 days left. So very little reason for me to play right now with the whole program completed as well as all of the conquest maps and a fully loaded CP CAP done. I really miss the season long XP reward path.......removing that was a huge mistake.