Mini Seasons (Championship Bracket) Getting “An unhandled server exception occurred)
Went 26-1 regular season and 3-1 in the the 1st round. Time for the Championship bracket and I’m getting “An unhandled server exception occurred). Everything else works fine just Mini Seasons won’t let me play anymore.
Did I just waste my whole Saturday playing this mode and now I won’t be getting the Evan Longoria card anymore?
This sucks!!!!
When they hype a new mode they should make sure it works right. I haven't touched it yet.
It's hard to believe that the devs didn't experience any of this when testing.
I’m having the exact same issue. Have you resolved it yet because Ives tried contacting them twice and they haven’t even responded to my issue.
If you can’t start a game just try resetting the game. But just be careful once you get to playoffs. Fortunately all mine counted just three during the regular season gave me losses. If you’ve made it that far and you keep getting Losses if just wait until they say something.
MTO is what I went to after the Ls started coming after Ws. I quickly realized it was way faster for XP which will give you cards better than Longoria until you can get him when SDS fixes it.