These event rewards are pathetic
Sds you finished the last game’s content cycle much stronger but this year you clearly could care less. Overall I liked this years content the most but this weak finish was not a good look. Could’ve easily released a finest J Ram or anything else but 2 mid 90’s cards? Wow
I'm just playing for the rewind pack, hoping for Trea Turner.
Yes, why not a Mondesi flashback or
jRAM. I was shocked and disappointed when I checked the reward path yesterday.Raes, you get 4 in the path so am
Sure Trea will be in one of them. -
@oreorockstar_psn said in These event rewards are pathetic:
Yes, why not a Mondesi flashback or
jRAM. I was shocked and disappointed when I checked the reward path yesterday.Raes, you get 4 in the path so am
Sure Trea will be in one of them.Here's hoping.
@raesone_psn said in These event rewards are pathetic:
I'm just playing for the rewind pack, hoping for Trea Turner.
Good luck man. I grind every event(probably my fav mode tbh) and I just got to the first two packs and got my first Trea in a rewind pack so far. So I made someone’s day out there(still 1400+ orders). Second pack was kinda trash.
I started this account right at the start of the Trea event so I was lucky to grind for him and he’s been an anchor in the lineup since. Just passed 600 ABs and he’s still batting .390 with over 100 XBH. Gotta be my fav card(don’t tell Kyle Tucker).
Well I didn't get Trea again. Another waste of a grind.
@raesone_psn said in These event rewards are pathetic:
Well I didn't get Trea again. Another waste of a grind.
You gotta be kidding!!?? He was in the first rewind pack last event for me, but I had earned him during whatever event he was the reward.
Sorry man, that sucks.
@oreorockstar_psn said in These event rewards are pathetic:
@raesone_psn said in These event rewards are pathetic:
Well I didn't get Trea again. Another waste of a grind.
You gotta be kidding!!?? He was in the first rewind pack last event for me, but I had earned him during whatever event he was the reward.
Sorry man, that sucks.
Well it is what it is. I'm not gonna grind to 55 wins for another pack, that's for sure.
Yeah this is the worst Event by far.
Weird player restrictions. (like I have every card and I'm playing either Brad Miller or Danny Santana at 1B??)
Every game at stupid Center City Field. My only chance against guys like Verlander on HOF was playing at Shippet or Shibe. Now? Most games end 1-0.
I'm still grinding because I need my shot at 2nd Half Smoltz (my last card) , but it's literally a job. Not fun.
If you have every card then why not play Foxx, Mays, Aaron or Bellinger at 1B?
But agree, Event = No Fun for me. Went 15-3 and got the cards but didn’t even feel like playing past that.