Assumptions on what they keep or change for '22
DIRTY-SHAWNCHEZwrote on Dec 19, 2021, 8:33 PM last edited by DIRTY-SHAWNCHEZ_PSN Dec 19, 2021, 9:22 PM
What does everyone think SDS will keep or change for when they release '22?
Parallel Cards: I think they keep this. Although, while probably not possible, I would like them to add a way seperate a card that is paralled online compared to offline. I know they have different point adjustments depending on what mode you play; but I mean if a player P5s a card offline; then that P5 can only be used offline. And vice versa.
Moments: Pretty sure these stay but would like to see them tweaked.
Conquest: Pretty much a staple for offline play.
Player Programs: I think these stay the way they are. Although I would like to see some more ones like Miggy and Posey.
TAs: I think these stay. Will we get 5 next year? Who knows.
BR/WS Reward Path: I also think these stay.
Showdown: Didn't really play this mode because most of the time I was already at 350K in XP, or higher, by the time it was released.
Collections: I'm going to break these into two parts.
Inning Collections: I like the collect all 3 previous bosses; but sometimes it's not worth it unless you're able to play enough for the boost in XP to matter (getting you to the Boss pack within 2-3 days).
Mega Collections: We know the LS Collection is a staple at this point. But I would also like to see the multiple collections (Rivera, Kershaw, Junior) also return. I'd also like to see them bring back something like the AS/HRD, 42 Series, and PS Collections.
XP Reward Path: This is tricky. I like this, but other than playing just to parallel guys; what's the incentive to play after you hit 650K? Especially if any XP after that doesn't count.
XP Cap: I think they keep this but don't say they're keeping it. If that makes sense
Freeze Offs: Naturally we would like these to disappear completely: but I doubt that will ever happen.aybe see if there is a way to implement coding that if there isn't an AB or Pitch Thrown in a certain time (15 -20 mins; the game just closes and it doesn't count. Not sure if that would be possible
Dashboards: Plays should count because 99.9% of the time; it's a known homerun by the time the ball leaves the bat. I don't think there should be punishments for dashboards; because the game can't tell if it's someone manually dashboarding or if it's a connection error.
Match-ups: Doubt this would happen but I would love to be able to see the connection strength between me and my opponent.
Make older cards more relevant. Other than a theme team; what incentive do I have to use LS cards right now?
Anyone want to add or discuss?
I would love outlier to go away as well as peer/peer connections. With a game that’s dependent on timing windows, these two things ruin ranked seasons
@mrwonderful95 said in Assumptions on what they keep or change for '22:
I would love outlier to go away as well as peer/peer connections. With a game that’s dependent on timing windows, these two things ruin ranked seasons
That reminds me.
Fix SP stamina.
The only thing I’ve heard so far is that because of all the complaints about how easy Moments have been this year, they are going to revamp them and be doing more of an Extreme Moments next year for everything. Nothing less than HOF or Legend.
I would to have straight up trades, bronze to bronze, silver to silver etc. Early in the year, that would help many with the LS collection. Just a thought, SDS.
As an offline player I would like to see them bring back Conquest Extreme. Not as part of any Inning or Program, just as an option, perhaps with either exclusive rewards, or as an offline way to earn a few of the premier RS/Events award cards.
Online Franchise