Cmon man
While that is entirely frustrating I would suggest taking the username out or you will be punished and SDS is going to do nothing to them.
Player does something within the game limits. It’s not his fault. He can bunt all day if he wants too.
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Cmon man:
Player does something within the game limits. It’s not his fault. He can bunt all day if he wants too.
This is such a terrible take. So people should have no responsibility for their actions? 95% of the people play within the normal baseball rules and etiquette and then you run into these yahoos who mess it up for everyone but SDS is to blame. This is the same mentality that blames the gun when someone gets shot.
So SDS is supposed to lock the platform down so tightly that they can only do certain actions? Yeah, I am sure that would work out well and not cause the online experience to be 1000x worse than it is today when you can't bunt because of some glitch meant to prevent a user from bunting all day as you stated.
Like, totally
@whiplash0013_psn said in Cmon man:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Cmon man:
Player does something within the game limits. It’s not his fault. He can bunt all day if he wants too.
This is such a terrible take. So people should have no responsibility for their actions? 95% of the people play within the normal baseball rules and etiquette and then you run into these yahoos who mess it up for everyone but SDS is to blame. This is the same mentality that blames the gun when someone gets shot.
So SDS is supposed to lock the platform down so tightly that they can only do certain actions? Yeah, I am sure that would work out well and not cause the online experience to be 1000x worse than it is today when you can't bunt because of some glitch meant to prevent a user from bunting all day as you stated.
I think you’re being way over bored comparing a video game to someone dying from a bullet.
This is SDS not putting in enough controls.
The pause timer is way too long. You should only be allowed to pause a certain amount per inning.
Bunts should be really hard to achieve unless the player is a decent bunter or it’s a clear sacrifice situation.
But the comparison with a gun was nonsense.
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Cmon man:
@whiplash0013_psn said in Cmon man:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Cmon man:
Player does something within the game limits. It’s not his fault. He can bunt all day if he wants too.
This is such a terrible take. So people should have no responsibility for their actions? 95% of the people play within the normal baseball rules and etiquette and then you run into these yahoos who mess it up for everyone but SDS is to blame. This is the same mentality that blames the gun when someone gets shot.
So SDS is supposed to lock the platform down so tightly that they can only do certain actions? Yeah, I am sure that would work out well and not cause the online experience to be 1000x worse than it is today when you can't bunt because of some glitch meant to prevent a user from bunting all day as you stated.
I think you’re being way over bored comparing a video game to someone dying from a bullet.
This is SDS not putting in enough controls.
The pause timer is way too long. You should only be allowed to pause a certain amount per inning.
Bunts should be really hard to achieve unless the player is a decent bunter or it’s a clear sacrifice situation.
But the comparison with a gun was nonsense.
Saying that it's not their fault in nonsense, it's game etiquette. I don't disagree they can do things to prevent some of these exploits, but there is no way they can prevent them all. No game can. My comparison was just a point that people need to hold some responsibility for their actions and not just blame the companies or SDS here.
@whiplash0013_psn said in Cmon man:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Cmon man:
@whiplash0013_psn said in Cmon man:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Cmon man:
Player does something within the game limits. It’s not his fault. He can bunt all day if he wants too.
This is such a terrible take. So people should have no responsibility for their actions? 95% of the people play within the normal baseball rules and etiquette and then you run into these yahoos who mess it up for everyone but SDS is to blame. This is the same mentality that blames the gun when someone gets shot.
So SDS is supposed to lock the platform down so tightly that they can only do certain actions? Yeah, I am sure that would work out well and not cause the online experience to be 1000x worse than it is today when you can't bunt because of some glitch meant to prevent a user from bunting all day as you stated.
I think you’re being way over bored comparing a video game to someone dying from a bullet.
This is SDS not putting in enough controls.
The pause timer is way too long. You should only be allowed to pause a certain amount per inning.
Bunts should be really hard to achieve unless the player is a decent bunter or it’s a clear sacrifice situation.
But the comparison with a gun was nonsense.
Saying that it's not their fault in nonsense, it's game etiquette. I don't disagree they can do things to prevent some of these exploits, but there is no way they can prevent them all. No game can. My comparison was just a point that people need to hold some responsibility for their actions and not just blame the companies or SDS here.
Unfortunately that’s why laws exist. Because the very small proportion of the population will abuse them.
In a perfect world no one would bunt dance either.
I agree. It would be nice if there wasn’t any idiots in the world. But unfortunately you’ve got to cater for them or limit their actions.
@tweed420_xbl said in Cmon man:
I know we are not suppose to post gamer tags but junkyard916 was just like his name! Paused the game like it was his job. Like paused the game after every 2nd pitch! Game took over an hour, crazy
If it bothers you enough to post, then quit the game and take the L. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve started a game only for this and for that to happen….that’s why they have a timer. Also if he was literally pausing every second pitch his timer would have ran out in the first inning.
Stop being dramatic
@tweed420_xbl said in Cmon man:
I know we are not suppose to post gamer tags but (username removed) was just like his name! Paused the game like it was his job. Like paused the game after every 2nd pitch! Game took over an hour, crazy
IMO this post is completely unnecessary. Just file a report against the player, explain what he did, and SDS will take care of it. No need to get yourself banned or suspended for name dropping the guy.
unfortunately they do not care the have the "new" report feature and no actions are taken unless it has to do with team names and logos. See our online rated thread of the numerous freeze glitchers out there
A gun control debate in an MLB the show DD thread, Lawd have mercy!
They’ll ban you from the forum for a month or so, I’m a member of that “being banned” community.