So basically SDS played us
Game was playing great for all the loyal fanbase players who preordered and got early access.
Once the game released for all the casuals, all hell broke loose and the game became nothing but a dice roll hitting, trash hit rewarding, good hit nerfing, game controlled pitching, error infested mess.
I realize casuals make up a large portion of the player base but come on, the loyal players shouldn’t have to suffer through bs gameplay because SDS wants to retain casuals by handing out cheap success so they feel good and keep playing.
18 was the first year they really tipped the scales towards casuals and it’s getting worse every year.
And now they’ve gone into hiding, no communication and fake news....the latest patch changed nothing. It was damage control and nothing else.
I just lost a RS game due to the shitty hitting engine. I went 2/7 on perfect perfects and 4 of the fiver wer from Sanchez, Torres Pete Alonso and sandberg
So we got our moneys worth bc we could play the game for a few days prior to the new patch? Seems like a stretch at best. Other than the fielders not locking on the game feels the exact same to me. I think it’s fine and like the content better this year.
The hitting feedback is horrible now. There have been so many instances since patch 1.04 that I’ve had good timing and placed the ball just above center of the PCI where the top dot would be, and get rewarded with good/okay contact with an exit velo 10mph less than the pitch speed. That’s the biggest gripe I have right now. And no, it’s not due to player attributes as this has happened with JD, Eddie, Sanchez, and Alonso who all have 100+ power against one or both sides.
This game is harder for casuals if anything?
I honestly can't even see casual players enjoying this gaming experience online once they get to All-Star, at all.