Terrible inning program choice balance sds
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@eatyum_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
Oh so you can do as better with live series German Marquez as you would with 99 DeGrom just because you know how to pitch?
Why do people always go to extremes? Is it because that is the only way you can "win" an argument.
Nobody is saying that you can pitch just as well with a LS gold versus a 99. That isn't even a debate, no one brought that up.
I know I’m exaggerating. It’s called illustrating a point. Of course perks and attributes matter. It’s idiotic to say they don’t.
And I just saw the guy say he would do as better. Color me dumbfounded
Its not impossible, you can come up against someone with easy tendencies to exploit.
Chris Sale has one of the most deceptive arm motions in the game, anyone downplaying him as a boss is going to get a rude awakening in RS.
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@eatyum_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
Oh so you can do as better with live series German Marquez as you would with 99 DeGrom just because you know how to pitch?
Why do people always go to extremes? Is it because that is the only way you can "win" an argument.
Nobody is saying that you can pitch just as well with a LS gold versus a 99. That isn't even a debate, no one brought that up.
I know I’m exaggerating. It’s called illustrating a point. Of course perks and attributes matter. It’s idiotic to say they don’t.
And I just saw the guy say he would do as good with Marquez. Color me dumbfounded
Where in ANY of my posts does it say that I can pitch better with a lower rated card?
I said that if someone knows how to pitch well enough,it doesn't matter what card they use.
I'm not talking about me.
LOL I have nothing else to say really. That’s two people now. I’m speechless
Hot take everyone: If you know how to pitch, live series Marquez is a top 5 option along with 99 DeGrom and 99 Verlander
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
Oh so you can do as better with live series German Marquez as you would with 99 DeGrom just because you know how to pitch?
Obviously I wouldn't go that far, but I do think you can have just as much success with sale, Pedro, Kershaw, And some of the TA4 pitchers, who are what are mainly brought up in H/9 discussions
@the_dragon1912 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
Oh so you can do as better with live series German Marquez as you would with 99 DeGrom just because you know how to pitch?
Obviously I wouldn't go that far, but I do think you can have just as much success with sale, Pedro, Kershaw, And some of the TA4 pitchers, who are what are mainly brought up in H/9 discussions
I know it was a gross exaggeration but I was trying to just illustrate a point that attributes and perks absolutely matter regardless if you know how to pitch or not
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@the_dragon1912 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
Oh so you can do as better with live series German Marquez as you would with 99 DeGrom just because you know how to pitch?
Obviously I wouldn't go that far, but I do think you can have just as much success with sale, Pedro, Kershaw, And some of the TA4 pitchers, who are what are mainly brought up in H/9 discussions
I know it was a gross exaggeration but I was trying to just illustrate a point that attributes and perks absolutely matter regardless if you know how to pitch or not
But what does your point matter in the context of this thread? Because your point doesn't disprove anything about Sale
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
LOL I have nothing else to say really. That’s two people now. I’m speechless
Hot take everyone: If you know how to pitch, live series Marquez is a top 5 option along with 99 DeGrom and 99 Verlander
I just said its not impossible for someone to do as well with a lower rated card, players have tendencies that can be exploited. Some people just swing at anything thrown towards home plate, you can exploit that easily with LS pitching card.
I’ll use myself as an example, do you (anyone) remember that all star Kyle Hendricks in ‘19? I got beat by that card as much if not more than Sig Ryan or Kershaw that year. My opponents just mixed really well with him or took advantage of my inability to adjust to a pitcher that maxed out at 90 mph. So yea its possible to do well and even beat opponents with lesser rated cards if you know how to pitch and exploit a bad opponent.
I'm kinda glad I don't play competitively online. While I may be missing out on a fun albeit frustrating and clearly controversial aspect of this game, at least I can still enjoy using most of these cards that a lot of people can't stand. I agree that attributes, quirks and perks when playing online at a high level of competition make a difference. But that is a fraction of the people who play the game. There are many people who enjoy offline missions,, collections, programs, conquests, team affinity etc. and for us, these cards are fantastic. Do I wish that they put the H/9 on steroids for every new 99 pitcher? Sure. But unless I was playing at a high level online, I wouldn't even notice the difference between a 110 H/9 and a 100
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
The new 99 Cole Hamels is way better than Sale, sds is drunk and doesn’t want to listen to the community with these h/9 attributes killing what should be the best pitching cards
This man legit just said Cole is better than Sale card
@lazy_toast_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
The new 99 Cole Hamels is way better than Sale, sds is drunk and doesn’t want to listen to the community with these h/9 attributes killing what should be the best pitching cards
This man legit just said Cole is better than Sale card
Every year I think every card is better than a Chris Sale card…until I am hitless through 7 with 12 Ks and I am still trying to find the ball to determine if its a fastball or slider, then screaming at myself for striking out yet again. I didn’t know Sale was the next inning boss but now that I do, I don’t care who the other bosses are I know who my pick is.
@jeezy-e_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@lazy_toast_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
The new 99 Cole Hamels is way better than Sale, sds is drunk and doesn’t want to listen to the community with these h/9 attributes killing what should be the best pitching cards
This man legit just said Cole is better than Sale card
Every year I think every card is better than a Chris Sale card…until I am hitless through 7 with 12 Ks and I am still trying to find the ball to determine if its a fastball or slider, then screaming at myself for striking out yet again. I didn’t know Sale was the next inning boss but now that I do, I don’t care who the other bosses are I know who my pick is.
And now that he has a sinker instead of a 2-seam to go along with his circle-change, there’s going to be some crazy tunnels with that arm angle.
Chris Sale is nasty.
H/9 definitely matters. -
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
It does matter bc no matter how good you pitch if I come close to the ball with my pci with even decent timing they’re is a much higher chance I hit a somewhat undeserved bomb just by slamming my pci all bc the h/9 are low
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
LOL I have nothing else to say really. That’s two people now. I’m speechless
Hot take everyone: If you know how to pitch, live series Marquez is a top 5 option along with 99 DeGrom and 99 Verlander
They’re logic is just hilarious. Like duh someone who knows how to pitch can do well with an inferior card but if you know how to pitch just as well with a superior card then you should be even more dominant. It’s arguing the point just to argue
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
It does matter bc no matter how good you pitch if I come close to the ball with my pci with even decent timing they’re is a much higher chance I hit a somewhat undeserved bomb just by slamming my pci all bc the h/9 are low
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
It does matter bc no matter how good you pitch if I come close to the ball with my pci with even decent timing they’re is a much higher chance I hit a somewhat deserved bomb just by slamming my pci all bc the h/9 are low
You’re acting like he has 80 H/9 or something. 100+ is still very good, especially with all the other factors involved with Sale.
@jogger171717_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
It does matter bc no matter how good you pitch if I come close to the ball with my pci with even decent timing they’re is a much higher chance I hit a somewhat deserved bomb just by slamming my pci all bc the h/9 are low
You’re acting like he has 80 H/9 or something. 100+ is still very good, especially with all the other factors involved with Sale.
It’s still solid with his pitch mix just not dominant
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@jogger171717_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@no-online-play-_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
Welcome to DD where the rules are made up and the points don't matter.
Who cares most of the attributes dont really matter cause there are 97 cards that play better then some 99s
There are to many Cases of over analyzing attributes when it doesn't really matter at this point of the year
I think someone complained that he didn't have an Outlier Perk.
Never have I seen so many people dependent on attributes and perks of a card.
Attributes and perks mean don't mean anything if you know how to pitch/hit with the player.
It does matter bc no matter how good you pitch if I come close to the ball with my pci with even decent timing they’re is a much higher chance I hit a somewhat deserved bomb just by slamming my pci all bc the h/9 are low
You’re acting like he has 80 H/9 or something. 100+ is still very good, especially with all the other factors involved with Sale.
It’s still solid with his pitch mix just not dominant
It’ll be dominant
@shawnzinator13 said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
@hikes83_psn said in Terrible inning program choice balance sds:
LOL I have nothing else to say really. That’s two people now. I’m speechless
Hot take everyone: If you know how to pitch, live series Marquez is a top 5 option along with 99 DeGrom and 99 Verlander
They’re logic is just hilarious. Like duh someone who knows how to pitch can do well with an inferior card but if you know how to pitch just as well with a superior card then you should be even more dominant. It’s arguing the point just to argue
No one is arguing anything, in fact your proving the point we were trying to make. If you know how to pitch/hit you can do well with the majority of the cards in the game. As for H/9 Sig Greinke has a low H/9 he’s 7-0 for me with a sub 2.00 era, you know why? Because H/9 only matters if your opponent can hit/come close to the ball. Meanwhile with 99 degrom and all his glorious stats you guys drool over, im 2-5 with an era of 4.75. Those [censored] /9’s are so OP, the Chris Sale card will be as dominant as no hitter Verlander, mark my words you will all be on here bitching about how OP he is in a couple weeks.