New RTTS player can't get RTTS missions to progress on Slugger Archetype
Hi everyone. I had been just a DD player up to this point and now I see why.
Is there a known current fix to this issue? I can only get DD missions to progress.
I've tried these possible fixes I found online and none worked:
Enter a DD game like Play vs. CPU. Have your CAP bat first. Complete the at bat and then quit out. Didn't work.
Create a new loadout, activate it, then delete it. Go back and activate original loadout. Didn't work.
In advanced settings, turn baserunning to auto. Didn't work.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Are you up to date with updates? Are you simming any part of the game? You do not get any progress to archetypes if you press next appearance or exit and sim the rest of a game because DD players exploited it to make their ballplayer good without playing RTTS. Do you have missions tracking? I remember some people saying that the default is off and to turn it on in the touchpad menu and that might help.
Yeah, RTTS in 21 is absolutely terrible. I'm happier on 20.