2021 Wish - Add draft to DD
Our 30 team league just conducted an off the game draft using Excel and it was super fun! (It took a week)
Players could only draft cards that they owned.
No two cards could be drafted twice.
We set a cap of 90 OVR player cards.
Each team has a specific cap depending on player skill level. (75-80 team overall)
The plan for the off-season is to add 91 OVR players as a way to “progress” and allow teams to change it up a bit.
If a players is added, another must be dropped, adding to the FA pool.
I think this idea is amazing for players and SDS since players still have to play DD to unlock players so they can draft them/pick them up on FA.
So here’s the conclusion:
- Add a draft mode (slow draft (wait for each player to make a pick), auto draft (each team ranks their cards and computer sims the draft), live draft
- Allow custom caps for certain teams
- Add a league leaders page
- Allow commissioners to pick what card series are in the draft/FA. For example this league only allows live series players to be picked up on the FA because of new card releases.
- Add card OVR caps to the draft.
- Add something to the off-season where you can do a new card draft from what’s left or been added while the season was playing.
- Allow users to wager stubs so the WS winner can get stubs for winning the season