An idea for single player mode
So, I’m playing a little conquest on a Sunday morning, giving equal attention to my coffee and my happy pen, and my mind wanders to modes I’d like to see…
Suppose offline players—or those who need a break from online shenanigans—could enter into tournaments against CPU-controlled teams? Released with about the frequency of conquest, they could have variable reward structures; win the tournament on Allstar and receive 5000 stubs, 2 Headliner packs, yada yada. Win the tourney on Legend and receive 50k stubs, an ASG pack, a HR Derby pack, 5 headliners, yada yada. You lose, you start over. The actuals would need some work, but you get the idea.
Lots of variables to play with there, with some tournaments against all-time teams, others against current MLB; the tourneys themselves could be of varying lengths with regard to scheduled games, with games of varying length, designed to commemorate an historical event, etc. I’d love to just use my main squad, but could possibly be event-style entries…
Almost certainly not an original idea, but I just haven’t come across something like it yet.
Okay. Pardon my intrusion. Another sip… another puff… another game.
@the_joneser_psn said in An idea for single player mode:
So, I’m playing a little conquest on a Sunday morning, giving equal attention to my coffee and my happy pen, and my mind wanders to modes I’d like to see…
Suppose offline players—or those who need a break from online shenanigans—could enter into tournaments against CPU-controlled teams? Released with about the frequency of conquest, they could have variable reward structures; win the tournament on Allstar and receive 5000 stubs, 2 Headliner packs, yada yada. Win the tourney on Legend and receive 50k stubs, an ASG pack, a HR Derby pack, 5 headliners, yada yada. You lose, you start over. The actuals would need some work, but you get the idea.
Lots of variables to play with there, with some tournaments against all-time teams, others against current MLB; the tourneys themselves could be of varying lengths with regard to scheduled games, with games of varying length, designed to commemorate an historical event, etc. I’d love to just use my main squad, but could possibly be event-style entries…
Almost certainly not an original person idea, but I just haven’t come across something like it yet.
Okay. Pardon my intrusion. Another sip… another puff… another game.
Similar to Solo battles on madden and u play against cpu controlled ultimate teams and passed on levels u play, depends on the rewards u get
I like this idea. Kind of like Showdown which can be fun but I'd much prefer a tourney with 3 inning games like BR or Events but against CPU like you describe.
Online Shenanigans. The name of my next band.
Over the years we’ve gotten a new mode every year besides this year, if I’m not mistaken. So I think we are due for another new mode. As one suggested the solo battle idea is not a bad one.
I like the tourney structure. Maybe turn extra innings into a tourney mode.
I think they’ll be some sort of offline seasons or some sort of 9 innning vs the cpu, with your main squad, In a season or solo battle type mode next year… The forum is full of offline players who want this… SDS knows this at this point… Besides gameplay complaints, the two things most wanted by the community is Offline Seasons and The ability to save your event line up, both of which I trust SDS will add next year.