Things you'd like to see improved in the game?
For me there's some things I'd like to see improved but think I should ask you what you guys think since most of us here have played a lot longer than I have since its my first year.
What are some areas of gameplay that you think need improved or based on content what needs improved? -
Pitchers fielding, especially the CPU is absurd. They field screamers back through the box, wicked hard hit one hoppers that should bounce over their head they stick their gloves up. Balls deflect right off them harder than the initial hit off the bat and almost always go perfectly straight to an infielder for an easy out.
And I wish they’d quit tinkering with the hitting sliders constantly. Just let it ride IMO.
I thought TA 2 was the best program thus far and would really like to see more legends and more Team Affinity. The first and second seasons were out in April/May. It's almost September and we've only had 1 since.
I would like to see more missions. Moments are fine but get redundant. I like that missions accumulate while you play a game. Ultimately I'd rather be playing a full or even 3 inning game than doing a moment..
Lastly, I think there should be more conquest maps like shark one. That was a friggin treasure hunt.
I love this game so these are basically give me more of the good stuff ideas.