90+ Pack
I got Cole, could've been a whole lot worse
I got deGrom this time and Cole last inning so just luck of the draw.
Got Vlad last month (when he was like 8k)
and Acuna (pulled for the 7th time this game FFS!) this month
Vlad last time and Scherzer this time.
Vlad & Muncy
Vlad this month and last month.
DeGrom this inning
Muncy last inning -
Tatis and Cole
Judge last time and of course Muncy this time. However, a couple hours later I finished the most recent conquest map and pulled a Cole out of one of the headliner packs that you get. I hadn't pulled anything above a gold out of any headliner pack this year so I can't be too mad.
Scherzer and Vlad Jr.
Yeah I got Cole last go around. So by pulling the big fish this time I cannot complain.
@raesone_psn said in 90+ Pack:
I got Cole, could've been a whole lot worse
Scherzer last time and I also got Cole this time around
I've reached it twice, DeGrom and Muncy, might be able to get there this inning if I can get Clemente done. Lost four times to Felix 20-19, each time I've gotten to 19 runs with at least 9 outs left then everything is a ground out or warning track. I'm not mad, it's not supposed to be super easy. It is frustrating at times though.
DeGrom last inning
Muncy this inning
Pulled Trout live from basic pack on same day....so I was able to finish the live program. -
I got Cole last inning and Scherzer this time. Sold Cole and just gonna keep Scherzer for TA exchanges
Trout last inning and deGrom this inning, couldn't have asked for any better luck on these pulls (although I don't believe I've packed a 90+ live series player in any other packs this year)
I'm further away from maxing out than ever. I should make it under the wire and expect nothing less than Trouty again so I can sell and get Lindor
Last inning i got Vlad and this time got Trout and that help me get Mookie, so it was worth it. Also bought 2 headliners and got Kendall in both good luck this morning
Lets play the Powerball today
@chuckclc_psn said in 90+ Pack:
So finally hit my 650K a while ago. How have your pulls been going?
Very nice, I will get there this weekend, I am over 550 and I still need to finish Turner and now Zimmerman programs, along with some of the mission stats.
Edit: I got Vlad last time, Hoping I get your luck this time.