This is the worst
OK, made it to the Hall of Fame.
During my entire career, there was no story.
There were no events.
I make it to the Hall of Fame, and there's not even a congrats screen?
And if I want to restart (Lord knows why), I keep my progression? How do I start from SCRATCH?
Maybe I should buy an old PS3 and play MLB the Show when Road to the Show was, you know, INTERESTING.
I’m finding out that I can’t have two different player careers, I have a SP and a 3B, because for some reason the missions and progress for the archetypes don’t register progress, so I think I’m just going to go back to playing 20 unfortunately. I’ve tried literally everything and only the SP career registers progress but only on if it’s the only save I have. It sucks. Newest game and it’s broken? Smh