Card you’re most disappointed in?
Ss Carlos Santana & As Acuna Jr both underachievers for me.
No contest for me. PS Lou Gehrig. I couldn't wait to use him. He should have been a monster, but they made him so weak.
Sadly, my fav player...Chipper, can't hit for squat with him online. fairly decent vs. cpu but dude has 1 hit in ranked and i think it's a dinger...but that's it.
Probably 99 Ohtani. But I knew it could have been going in. I never can hit well with his cards. And the pitching has actually been pretty good for me so far, but he is just another pitcher for me when he bats lol.
Bagwell. My favorite player growing up, but I can't hit anything with him
@johnny_coletrain said in Card you’re most disappointed in?:
Sadly, my fav player...Chipper, can't hit for squat with him online. fairly decent vs. cpu but dude has 1 hit in ranked and i think it's a dinger...but that's it.
It took me a good while to get going with Chipper but it eventually clicked. Raised his avg over 100 points in a week. Soriano started slow too, now I think he may be my favorite hitter.
Bryce Harper MVP card
Any Vlad jr card
@chuckclc_psn said in Card you’re most disappointed in?:
@johnny_coletrain said in Card you’re most disappointed in?:
Sadly, my fav player...Chipper, can't hit for squat with him online. fairly decent vs. cpu but dude has 1 hit in ranked and i think it's a dinger...but that's it.
It took me a good while to get going with Chipper but it eventually clicked. Raised his avg over 100 points in a week. Soriano started slow too, now I think he may be my favorite hitter.
Same here the guy was hitting barely above the Mendoza line for his first 50 at bats. He is hitting close to .400 for me now.
@macktastic-brad_xbl said in Card you’re most disappointed in?:
Any Vlad jr card
I agree with this. I may not have given this card enough time to flourish, but there were too many other good 1B's to keep trying. Ortiz kills the ball for me.
For me I gotta say that the Schwarber and acuna are both under preforming. I would much rather have posada behind the plate and it feels like there is a hole in Acuna Jr bat
The 99 Jackie card. It pains me to say this but his swing just doesn’t resonate with me. Most players destroy with this card while I’m batting a measly .255 with zero pop. He’s also my least favorite card to pitch against because everyone hits well with him!
@whiplash0013_psn said in Card you’re most disappointed in?:
@macktastic-brad_xbl said in Card you’re most disappointed in?:
Any Vlad jr card
I agree with this. I may not have given this card enough time to flourish, but there were too many other good 1B's to keep trying. Ortiz kills the ball for me.
I give each card 20 abs if they are under 200 I'm done with it them
So far, Chipper.
I'm dumbfounded as to why I've struggled
Was batting under .200 at one point. It really is me, because I've been early with his swings. I raked with his Diamond from last year, but this one is taking time. I'm over .300 now, but it's been unbelievable.
Maybe because I have Signature Longo at 3rd and Chipper at SS, so he's mad at me -
Mariano. Man I hate his card and wish I never locked in for it.
@mrwonderful95 said in Card you’re most disappointed in?:
The 99 Jackie card. It pains me to say this but his swing just doesn’t resonate with me. Most players destroy with this card while I’m batting a measly .255 with zero pop. He’s also my least favorite card to pitch against because everyone hits well with him!
Same here. I think I’m batting close to .300 with him, but with zero pop and it was all on All Star where I usually hit .380+ with good cards. Almost everyone I play seems to rake with him.
After a good start I started slumping bad with the Acuña card as well. That was on All-Star too. I think I’m batting like .250-.260 with him. He’s not in the lineup I’m marching towards the WS with.
Milestone Soriano. Just terrible. I simply can't hit with him, and I don't know what the deal is.
Soriano, schwerber, Ortiz, vlad jr
Soriano, schwerber, Ortiz, vlad jr
Soriano, schwerber, Ortiz, vlad jr