SCHWARBER - how do you get all the Topps Now players to complete the June POTM?
@cosmo_hoghead said in SCHWARBER - how do you get all the Topps Now players to complete the June POTM?:
I've done all the moments and missions. Equals 98%. I've completed all Topps Now and acquired the 12 cards you can select for June. So I don't see an "or" to the 'buy them' suggested above. It seems you HAVE to buy 11 cards to get the 24 needed. Am I missing something?
Did you complete the Topps Now moments to get the rest of the players that you need?
@cosmo_hoghead said in SCHWARBER - how do you get all the Topps Now players to complete the June POTM?:
I've done all the moments and missions. Equals 98%. I've completed all Topps Now and acquired the 12 cards you can select for June. So I don't see an "or" to the 'buy them' suggested above. It seems you HAVE to buy 11 cards to get the 24 needed. Am I missing something?
You said you completed all the Topps Now moments for June. Did you complete everything in the June monthly reward path? That's how you get the other half of the cards. There are packs in the reward path. If you do all of that and don't sell any of the cards, you shouldn't have to spend any stubs.
If he’s at 98%, that means he only got the cards from the path and not the TN weekly ones
@yankblan_psn said in SCHWARBER - how do you get all the Topps Now players to complete the June POTM?:
If he’s at 98%, that means he only got the cards from the path and not the TN weekly ones
Good point. I missed the 98% part. When he said he completed all the moments, he probably thought the ones in the monthly reward path were all of them.
No - I've got all the moments from both the TN weekly and the June POM paths. Those plus the missions equal 98 pts. I knew that, did it anyway, and don't want to pay for what I don't have - wondering where the rest of the TN players are. As I recall, when you make your selection of 2 or 3 players, it's from a pool of at least 4, maybe 5. So there are leftovers. I recall someone else raising this question when June POM first hit and the grinders went after it. And the intro screen clearly states you need the three paths, including the collection. If you complete the collection however, you don't need to complete every mission and path moment to reach 100. But without the collection, you can only get to 98.
When you do the Topps Now moments you get most the cards. YOu get the remaining cards when you do the monthly moments. They give you all the cards for free.
Go into the collection and see what cards you're missing.
Maybe you selected the same player twice between the TN and POTM packs.
@cosmo_hoghead said in SCHWARBER - how do you get all the Topps Now players to complete the June POTM?:
No - I've got all the moments from both the TN weekly and the June POM paths. Those plus the missions equal 98 pts. I knew that, did it anyway, and don't want to pay for what I don't have - wondering where the rest of the TN players are. As I recall, when you make your selection of 2 or 3 players, it's from a pool of at least 4, maybe 5. So there are leftovers. I recall someone else raising this question when June POM first hit and the grinders went after it. And the intro screen clearly states you need the three paths, including the collection. If you complete the collection however, you don't need to complete every mission and path moment to reach 100. But without the collection, you can only get to 98.
I don't know what to tell you. You get half the cards from weekly Topps Now moments, and the other half you get from the packs in the monthly reward path. If you really did all of the weekly moments and got to 98 in the monthly reward path, you should have received enough packs to get every player you need for free, although you could have selected the same card twice. You either didn't do them all, or you sold some. There is no other option.
did you open the packs from the June PoTM?
If you did the TN Moments (Under Moments) a and didn't sell those players and you got the packs from the June POTM Program and picked the ones that you didn't already select; then you will have all the cards to do the collection
If you sold ANY of them, then you have to buy them again.
So I checked it all out - the only thing I can figure is that in making some of my selections on the June POM path, I choose one and backed out, without choosing a second and third that may have been offered. I think that's where I left "money on the table". Thanks for everyone's input!
Kind of sucks that completing every mission and moments only gets you to 98 pts forcing you to complete the collection. I didn't care much about Schwarber, but now the Sox have him, so I guess it's to the market I go!
LOL - I don't give a hoot for Schwarber, so I'm not really too put out. But it does suck that you HAVE to complete the collection. For the sake of two points.