Can we get an official statement on the walk & so methods/exploits for XP.
Is it OK to do this?
From my perspective this feels like a exploit. It feels like people are getting xp way faster than intended for the sole purpose of selling the cards at their peak value. They are imo exploiting game mechanics and the market as they are clearly selling these cards to people who are unaware of the method being used to obtain them. Would anyone drop 150k on a boss card if they knew how to acquire it in a day?
So... guess it's cool to to this
Would be better if you didnt gain XP unless you either A. play the CPU or B. play online
Take out any XP earned if its completely offline or RTTS. Or maybe replace the XP just with stubs instead.
Its not ok, but its not exactly banned.
Nobody should be banned for using a code flaw (the software does not function per requirements outlined prior to the code being developed/implemented). When it comes to the walk/XP method, players are gaining XP quicker, but that doesn't impact gameplay verses an opponent.
The intentional locking of games following unusual activity (walking three guys before stepping off and throwing home for example) should be banned.
With that said, there are people out there unable to complete content collections due to game functionality issues. If I had to pick between where help should go first, I would help with that issue and spend my resources trying to resolve the root of these game exploits over trying to implement the bans of folks.
Also, bunt cheese is an exploit. There are baserunning exploits that impact almost every game I play at some point. Would rather see those fixed than people gaining XP faster than others.
I’ve been doing it. I don’t do it non stop for a day straight. I spend like 20 mins a day doing it for some extra XP. Only way I’ll hit 650k. I still haven’t made it. If they want to ban me, ban me. I’ve got no money invested in the game.
Stubs are too easy to come by for me to care tbh
It's frowned upon. Like masturbating on an airplane...
@gixxerryder750 said in Can we get an official statement on the walk & so methods/exploits for XP.:
It's frowned upon. Like masturbating on an airplane...
Thanks bin Laden