Developers: On the topic of bugs ... are you all ever going to fix the issue of multiple loadouts?
As long as we're talking about bugs, here's another issue I know you're aware of, as I've found threads about it going back to April, but ... multiple loadouts. You can't have them and earn XP towards higher-level archetypes.
And, if by some accident, you create a multiple loadout (you know, because the game developers provided the functionality and you naively thought you'd be able to avail yourself of it), the only way to fix the problem is by playing an inning of the slower-than-molasses-in-January Diamond Dynasty.
Again, this should be a pretty easy fix. Look, if you want players to play Diamond Dynasty and not Road to the Show, fine -- just get rid of RTTS and be done with it. You apparently aren't aware that DD sucks, but that's fine, as it's your game.
But if the ostensible functionality for multiple loadouts is going to exist in the game you are presently selling, perhaps it could work properly? I mean, hey, just a thought.
Yeah I made another loadout for another career, I have two saves with one as a pitcher and another a 3B. No progression is being recorded and it sucks. I know your pain lol
I have had multi loadouts since day one . One for pitcher and one for fielder, I've never had an issue with progress. Using both loadouts on my 2 way player I've completed all 6 diamond archetypes for the pitcher and 4 of the 24 gold archetypes for fielding im slacking on the fielding archetypes since there are 4xs the amount of archetypes cards for fielding. I've always gone into the schedule and select the next date to play i don't know if that's the trick because I've heard or peeps just selecting play next game and progression not working
Like actually going into the calendar and choosing the next game instead of doing it right after a game? Might have to try it out. I wish I had the luck and success you've had, good on you bro!
Ty n yes go into the calendar n choose next game I hope it works for you
It worked for like 1 series and then it completely stopped, and I’m back to square one. This sucks man