Pure Analog Leagues?
Is there such a thing as a League where Pure Analog hitting and pitching are used 100%? I would love to play head to head with people I know are using the same set up as I am. You button pushers seem to have an advantage when it comes to hitting. Is there a way to verify that the other player is using Pure Analog?
Unfortunately, no. If you play in a Custom League via the game, there isn't any way to lock settings. Initially it was kind of a bummer but it's one thing we've tried to combat with sliders. We spent a ton of time using different sliders to see if there was a way to offset it. We think we have a pretty good set up to where there really isn't an advantage one way or the other. I personally use Zone (PCI) and prefer Analog to Button as well.
If you or anyone else are interested in a sim gaming league with a bunch of chill gamers, check us out at Scoreboard Gaming dot Net. We've been running sim gaming leagues since 2010 but since we're mainly Xbox users, once MLB2K went away we sort of disbanded. But now that MLB is back on Xbox, we've started up a brand new site just for the sim gaming community. If you are looking for a sim gaming experience, can commit to 3-4 games per week, we'd love to have you. We are rolling out signups for both a regular team league as well as a Diamond Dynasty league. Both Xbox and PSN gamers are welcome!
Poor sports and quitters need not apply. We're looking to have fun.
Thanks for the input. Can you please explain what is meant by "sim gaming league"? Are you actually playing head-to-head games, or just simulating them?
Yeah we are absolutely playing head-to-head games ha. Sim just stands for simulation so sim gaming is really just a style of gaming that essentially tries to simulate real life. So we have certain rules in place to promote sim gaming (and restrict a more cheese style of gaming) like no excessive bunting, 5-man rotations, etc. The nice thing about baseball is there aren't too many ways you can cheese aside from excessive bunting. The game does a pretty decent job of limiting those kinds of things but we're always looking out for ways to promote sim gaming so we are welcome to suggestions. But that's basically what it means: simulating real life and not taking advantage of the little glitches and cheats in a video game. Hope this helps.
For sure that helps. Thanks. I will check it out. That might be just what I am looking for.