Chris Martin Sell Order
Diamond Dynasty
So I have 2 Chris Martin's. One's not sellable because of Collections, but it won't let me sell the other...
he is in your bp in rs, events or br. check your lineups.
@raider52morrison said in Chris Martin Sell Order:
he is in your bp in rs, events or br. check your lineups.
If he has two, that shouldn’t matter. But if he got it in the scouting report pack it’s unsellable. Same with the jumpstart pack cards that were out at launch.
If you got him in the scouting report pack, he’s not sellable
If he is from the scouting report you can do a quick sell of the duplicate.
Oh ok, thanks!
Jun 21, 2021, 2:21 AM
Jun 21, 2021, 6:36 AM