BR Program
Idk about anyone else but I’m really wanting that SS Trevor Story. Right now he’s pretty high in price but is getting to 100 in the BR program hard? Cause if it is I’ll just sit on his price Bc I’m assuming his price will drop once more people reach 100. Lmk thoughts please. I did just get the TA Blue Jays Groshans by the way so I just want to know. Because in all honesty I love Story”s swing
I hate BR so I’m going to end up buying him. If you can stomach the mode I don’t think it’s too hard. I’m not sure how much his price goes down anymore at this point. Also Get the mets SS instead of Groshans.
It took me about a week last time fwiw. I’m at 51 program wins right now but took a break to do the Event this weekend. BR is a lot of fun and with the silver/gold pack cards that you get along the way so high in price now you can make a lot of stubs off it as well.
I plan to go Leiter at 100 as I liked his card LY and the H/9 and pitch mix looks amazing. Will likely buy Story but agree I don’t see his price coming down below 100 anytime soon.
I’m at 92 and will complete it this morning. I’ll probably end up selling and buy both Leiter and Story later
It depends on how good you are. If you can get 9 win runs consistently it will go pretty quick.
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but really don’t feel like starting a new one (yes, I’m lazy right now).
What are the thoughts on where Leiter and Story settle for price after next program releases? I finished up the program today, took Story and want Leiter as well. I’m looking at the prices for the previous rewards and those are 50-60k. Will they remove players from the rotation, thus making them more rare? Or does the list continue on and eventually everyone settles around 50k?
Trying to decide if buying Leiter now for 200k is fine or if I wait a couple weeks, will he be able to bought for under 100k?
Appreciate any insight.
I’m not at my console, but I believe there is only about a week left this BR season; am I correct?
$&#*! That means I missed out on the rewards...FML!
@brainfreeze442 said in BR Program:
I’m not at my console, but I believe there is only about a week left this BR season; am I correct?
Correct, I think just under 6 days left