Accidentally locked Mike Trout
Play him???
Once they are locked, they are locked. Count yourself lucky that you packed him and enjoy playing with his card. He's goated btw.
Exchange him.
Complete the collections.
1st it sucks you did it with such a high priced card. 2nd you learned a lesson on how it works. 3rd Trout is a beast so at least you got that going for you.
Not sure why locking him in is an accident. Unless you don’t plan on finishing the LS collection, which would be an absolute mistake as Chipper is the best card right now and an end game card at that. So don’t feel too bad, throw him in your lineup and enjoy the GOAT. He is by far the best LS card and a top 5 card overall right now.
Mike Trout is still the best card in the game, start playing and parallel him, he'll get even better!
Update: I just pulled Tatis
Congrats, now you’re forced to use the best player in the gamr. You won’t regret it, I promise you