Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers
@washednd_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
I want 4 things:
HOF pitch speeds to be the ceiling
Sinkers to come out of hand naturally
Contact swings to be nerfed to where they should be
PPP to be more difficult to get a perfect pitch location. The current system is too forgivingExacly what im trying to says as soon you facing a sinker in the upper 90s and hes doting his offspeed stuff , on HOF of legend ... sinker inside just out of the zone Righty vs righty is OP , they will whiff it 90% of the time
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
you see those pitchers at every level, my point is on HOF of Legend pitching should get harder also, harder to use the pinpoint ,
jesus you guy are stupid if you cant see the point im trying to make ..
Pinpoint using or pitching in general gets easier as you progress
lolI'm sorry that I misunderstood your point.
I do agree that pinpoint is overpowered but when you get to HOF you have to expect that you won't be getting the same amount of hits you were on All Star.
Righty vs righty expect to see sinker in and cutter away. Use practice mode and practice righty vs righty against Corbin Burnes. Make him only throw sinkers and cutters inside and away and put hitting difficulty to HOF.
Also that up and down movement on the sinker makes 0 sence ,
Also a sinker up in the zone should not dip down likes its thrown on a more downward plane.
This game is alot better than last year , connection in games is way better but please take the unrealistic sh!t out of thr game
Whats your definition of dot? You have never got a base hit or hr off a ball on the outside corner?
@mlbts_mlbts said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
you see those pitchers at every level, my point is on HOF of Legend pitching should get harder also, harder to use the pinpoint ,
jesus you guy are stupid if you cant see the point im trying to make ..
Pinpoint using or pitching in general gets easier as you progress
lolI'm sorry that I misunderstood your point.
I do agree that pinpoint is overpowered but when you get to HOF you have to expect that you won't be getting the same amount of hits you were on All Star.
Righty vs righty expect to see sinker in and cutter away. Use practice mode and practice righty vs righty against Corbin Burnes. Make him only throw sinkers and cutters inside and away and put hitting difficulty to HOF.
the problem is the command , everybody is greg maddux on steriods , this isnt real baseball , nodody can throw slider in a tea cup in real life ,
Im not saying throw a absolute meatball but at least make em miss a little , I dont care who you are if somebody pitching around you the whole game and once and a while he dots one for strikes ,,, you will take bad swing and can never expect whats coming... you should be rewarded to bring the count to 3-0 or 3-1 .. but with how easy it is to use pinpoint , you cant expect anything because of all his secondary pitches can be dotted , which is unrealistic.... 90% of pitchers mlb will throw fastballs in fastball counts
@mdafurball_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Whats your definition of dot? You have never got a base hit or hr off a ball on the outside corner?
A dot is a pitch that never misses location , ouviously i can hit any pitch you dont make it to over 800 by just hitting pitches down the middle .
being ahead in a count is useless because of the secondary pitch command ,, you just dont get the point of this post . fastball ? yes you should be able to locate , but changeup and offspeed having the same accuracy as fastball , cutters and sinkers ? no , should be a risk of throwing them often
it’s unrealistic for 99% of the pitches to be right on the black in a 9 inning game.. and that’s what i’m seeing. pinpoint needs to be made harder and less forgiving on bad input imo. it happens way too often where i completely [censored] up my input n the pitch still goes exactly where i wanted it anyway. It’s nice that it’s rewarding, but it needs to be more difficult and less forgiving on mediocre input.
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Ranked 815 and the game isnt fun anymore
try hitting burnes on HOF or Legend
try to hit cabrera on HOF or Legend
try to hit these lefty's with outlier with perfect command of all there secondary pitches + pinpoint being mastered by everybody , fun stuffYeah some realistic game that pitchers have perfect command of their offspeed stuff all game long
every game at these levels are the same story , pitching dual which are not fun.
when you average only 4-5 hits a game because pitching is so overpowered.
No wonder people tank on purpose.
as you progress thru the levels
Pitching gets way easier
Hitting gets way tougherGame is design to please only the top players . so stupid.sorry i dont wanna play 7 hours a day to be able to hit on HOF or legend
why not make both tougher at more difficult levels.
I made World Series yesterday and I feel like I don't want to play ranked Seasons anymore. I have 29 wins on the season and a rating of 911. I would like to get 11 more wins to get that other ranked Seasons reward path pack for playing and legend is pretty difficult. I played a handful of games on Legend and it makes Hall of Fame really easy. I don't think Hall of Fame is a problem at all and it should be a good skill gap between All-Star and Hall of Fame. All star is an absolute joke. Legend is for the elite. Hall of Fame is the perfect difficulty but contacts swings definitely need a Nerf because everyone is abusing it. Hitting leiter and glavine on legend is rough. Crochet is a one trick pony. Cabrera is not that hard one you get past his weird release.
@mlbts_mlbts said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Have you ever considered that maybe you are not good at the game?
Cold blooded
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Ranked 815 and the game isnt fun anymore
try hitting burnes on HOF or Legend
try to hit cabrera on HOF or Legend
try to hit these lefty's with outlier with perfect command of all there secondary pitches + pinpoint being mastered by everybody , fun stuffYeah some realistic game that pitchers have perfect command of their offspeed stuff all game long
every game at these levels are the same story , pitching dual which are not fun.
when you average only 4-5 hits a game because pitching is so overpowered.
No wonder people tank on purpose.
as you progress thru the levels
Pitching gets way easier
Hitting gets way tougherGame is design to please only the top players . so stupid.sorry i dont wanna play 7 hours a day to be able to hit on HOF or legend
why not make both tougher at more difficult levels.
Cabrera was a stupid card to make imo, these future stars that are juiced to the point they're better than actual legends when they haven't even thrown a pitch is ridiculous... Kopech is an example of one done right, he's nasty but not overbearing
@ikasnu_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
I guess everybody that i play at these levels arnt good at this game ? I guess having a record of 54-21 in RS makes you not good at this game
STFU idiot lol
Hitting isn't that hard on HoF, its difficult, but not to an extreme. The issue is contact swings need to be fixed, everyone is doing it and its annoying af.
Pinpoint needs a fix too, its the contact swing of pitching.
Yea half the pinpoint pitches are easier to throw than analog but sds made analog 3x worse...they need to be brought closer together bc I'm sick of seeing rookie Chapman with 18 control dotting the line 3x in a row bc all you have to do on a fb is up and down with stick in a straight line to throw it exactly where you want
Why waste time trying to make world series? Win a few tank a few and just get the 40 wins. Work smarter.
@broncs32_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Why waste time trying to make world series? Win a few tank a few and just get the 40 wins. Work smarter.
This. The game is bad online why try to be competitive?
@untchable704_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@broncs32_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Why waste time trying to make world series? Win a few tank a few and just get the 40 wins. Work smarter.
This. The game is bad online why try to be competitive?
Lol because some people like competition. Mindlessly playing the computer is a task. Both people get the nonsense that happens in the game online. Sometimes uts against you and sometimes its for you. The game is not perfect at all but its not lopsided. Thats just an excuse for losers. No video game is perfect. 8f you want perfection and no one to blame then go outside and compete. People act like video games is real sport and competition. Its not, its a computer program lol.
Stuff to me is not as big as arm angle; the majority are 3/4 and tough; side like Sale or over the top are easier
I’ve been saying this for a few years but the constant switching between difficulties in a competing game mode is silly IMO. There should be a ranked season that’s on AS, one on HOF and one on Legend. Each reward would be commensurate with each difficulty. Let the goons fight it out on Legend and let the causal people play on AS or whatever difficulty they prefer.
@t-rox_09_mlbts said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@untchable704_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
@broncs32_psn said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
Why waste time trying to make world series? Win a few tank a few and just get the 40 wins. Work smarter.
This. The game is bad online why try to be competitive?
Lol because some people like competition. Mindlessly playing the computer is a task. Both people get the nonsense that happens in the game online. Sometimes uts against you and sometimes its for you. The game is not perfect at all but its not lopsided. Thats just an excuse for losers. No video game is perfect. 8f you want perfection and no one to blame then go outside and compete. People act like video games is real sport and competition. Its not, its a computer program lol.
I compete in things in the real world. Play golf for money usually twice a week. And some tourneys here and there. Won’t stop me from calling a bad game a bad game. I will stick to what I said and just drop down for the 40 wins. Keep at it though. You almost hurt my feelings.
It’s a computer program not real baseball. Then get perfect perfect out. Same person...that’s baseball. Derrrrr.
i think you have some points but also I view it as hof is more enjoyable as game though stress is huge and this is me typing post 5-3 victory at 800 rank. but id rather play hof bc theres less craziness in terms of home runs. I play all star events and go in knowing no lead is safe and its a circus and sometimes ya know im okay with being crushed in a game there knowing its absurd how many home runs. cant comment on contact swing since I only use x
@mrwonderful95 said in Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers:
I’ve been saying this for a few years but the constant switching between difficulties in a competing game mode is silly IMO. There should be a ranked season that’s on AS, one on HOF and one on Legend. Each reward would be commensurate with each difficulty. Let the goons fight it out on Legend and let the causal people play on AS or whatever difficulty they prefer.
This is an excellent idea. I'd play a hell of a lot more online if this was actually implemented.
Of late I'm just getting way too frustrated with the RNG and horrendous "user input" aspects that are definitely bizarre and out of whack at times. Just too much of a headache and rage inducer to play against sweaties.
HOF >>> AS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Conquest >>>>>>> COTW >>>>> Legend RS