Why don’t Xbox Noobs Quit?
@kingakp_xbl said in Why don’t Xbox Noobs Quit?:
You were new once too. Prob got smacked around too. Prob still do
^^^ this lol
@kingss35 said in Why don’t Xbox Noobs Quit?:
How are they supposed to get better if they keep quitting? Quit being a jack@ss and just play the game. If they quit they quit. If not then just play the game and move on.
I’ll keep taking those fat W’s. Thanks !!!
@aaronjw76_psn said in Why don’t Xbox Noobs Quit?:
Sounds like their strategy to annoy the p!ss out of you is working
I get smacked around plenty myself but I had a lucky go where I went up a few runs on a guy in the first inning an event event game then he proceeded to grief me by taking all my batters to a 3-0 count then letting them get on base no matter what. I don’t remember if I scored 20 or 30 points or somewhere in the middle but I ended up with a ton of XP which was A-OK with me.
Lmao "ToO mAnY qUiTtErS"
Then there's this guy
"why WoNt ThEy QuIt!?"
Because nothing about your record says they should quit..
Ignorant post of the year by OP
Looking at that game history, Most of your games are 1-0, a few games where you win 4-0 a few games where "xbox noobs" beat you... alot of talk for a wildcard player.
OP: Do you realize that not all folks that you play against on Xbox are new to the game? I have played the show on PS for many years but now choose to play on Xbox because of my home setup. Just because you see Xbox doesn't mean that they are a "noob". (MK)
Xbox noob here...How about you play me & we post the video here afterwards chowderhead?
@quinnymcquinn said in Why don’t Xbox Noobs Quit?:
Nah let’s be serious if you’re down 5 in a three inning game after the first just quit.
Unless you are playing at the stadium whose name shall not be mentioned.