Still not progressing
Not at all. I've stopped and started multiple RTTS careers since patch 3 came out - no issues with archetype progression at all. I'm assuming that's the progression but you're talking about??
I created my RTTS 2 way player during early access....still playing him with no issues in that regard.
I had to delete all existing files and start a new rtts in order for the patch to work but no issues since
@Moosealbany_PSN ; 2 way player on PS5. By progression I mean player rating. My SP gets a better rating (up to 85) but my RF rating is at 71 and isn’t improving. I’ve restarted my RTTS 4 times including after update. Just frustrating.
@SGoforth3_PSN - copy that - I'm jealous you have a PS5. lol - every time I try to buy one they are sold out and I won't pay scalper prices. So I'm still on PS4.
I've dorked around some with the 2-way player. Don't like it as much because I don't like watching the calendar and making sure that I've got the right archetype loaded for pitching days as compared to hitting days.
What I've noticed is that improving the "base" stats (they start at 30, ceiling is 50, improved via the ~weekly training sessions and also in-game you get slight bumps) can be really slow. It is much faster after Game Update 3 which was released on 4/29. But still, improving those base skills will only get you so far. Speaking of those base stats - when you get your ~once weekly training session, are you building up your SP stuff or your hitting/fielding stuff? Spreading it out, or working one over the other?
But as you improve your Archetype (the primary diamond card - for your CF it would be either contact, slugging, fielding or speed) and your Perks (the small diamonds that "bolt on" to your Archetype) that's where the big improvement comes. Are you leveling those up and applying your highest ones? I've bought some Diamond level Perk cards from the store - they help a lot. And, yes, you can "bolt on" Diamond Perks to even a Bronze Archetype. I mean - what else are you going to spend Caps on? It's not like gear is going to help in RTTS (but that's another discussion).
For instance, most of my base stats are 50 now. You can check your base stats by starting a new build out and deselecting everything, then check your player card. Anyway, even with my base stats nicely built up, if I use a Bronze Archetype and Bronze perks, my OVR is relatively low; just checked and I'm an 82 OVR. But with silver archetype and perks, I'm 86. And so on. With Gold you see a nice bump because you can "bolt on" 3 of the perks instead of just 2. And with Diamond another nice bump because you can "bolt on" 4 perks. With a Diamond Archetype and 4 Diamond Perks on my base Universal Player, I have an OVR of 95.
I hope this helps. Let me know if I can provide you any more info.
@Moosealbany_PSN I see improvement on SP from playing. When I switch to my position player, I see improvements when I play but my rating stays the same. I use my weekly training to improve my position player, it doesn’t improve my rating. The only time my rating improved when when I went from bronze to silver archetype. I read that someone deleted all their previous RTTS files and it fixed it. That’s my next attempt. Thanks for the tips.
I got lucky on my PS5. It helped that I bought it through Costco. No bots to fight. I was so excited to play The Show on it so it’s been frustrating with the game roll out. Hopefully the inventory will improve soon for you.
@sgoforth3_psn said in Still not progressing:
@Moosealbany_PSN ; 2 way player on PS5. By progression I mean player rating. My SP gets a better rating (up to 85) but my RF rating is at 71 and isn’t improving. I’ve restarted my RTTS 4 times including after update. Just frustrating.
There's nothing wrong there, it's just way easier to level up a SP then it is a hitter.
The goals for getting xp are much easier to obtain on pitchers, especially the repeatable ones.
In both RTTS and DD.
I assume you know where to look to see those in both?
It's also much easier to pitch in the game then it is to hit, hence more success.
It's pretty normal for the hitter to be 10+ levels below the SP all the way unless you do nothing but play the hitter in DD over and over again to catch up. -
There are definitely still issues with the archetype progression tracking. I booted up for the first game of the day just now and played in RTTS, had multiple plate appearances, extra base hits, and stolen bases (all missions for my archetype program) and in the screen going back to the clubhouse it said "No Progress" and I checked the archetype program in the menu and indeed it did not add any plate appearances, extra base hits, or stolen bases to the missions. It seems to work intermittently, I have definitely had it track properly before with this update, but it seems like half the games I just get nothing.
Idk if it will help in yalls situation but I played a dd game against vs CPU Orioles...took an at bat then quit out and my stats starting progressing again
At this point why are we still having to do work arounds. Was this not supposed to be addressed and fixed already?
@lastingimpact_mlbts said in Still not progressing:
There are definitely still issues with the archetype progression tracking. I booted up for the first game of the day just now and played in RTTS, had multiple plate appearances, extra base hits, and stolen bases (all missions for my archetype program) and in the screen going back to the clubhouse it said "No Progress" and I checked the archetype program in the menu and indeed it did not add any plate appearances, extra base hits, or stolen bases to the missions. It seems to work intermittently, I have definitely had it track properly before with this update, but it seems like half the games I just get nothing.
Did you ever use the "play next appearance" button from the pause menu? I used to use that to fast forward through baserunning opportunities myself. And that breaks your Archetype progression for the game - period. If you are using this menu option to get past undesired baserunning opportunities, I recommend instead to do what I do:
When I first step up to the plate, I check my Settings and make sure that RTTS running opportunities are set to "Lead Runner" and "All" for pitches. If I get on base, I steal whatever bases I want to steal. Once I'm on at least second (maybe third if less than 2 outs), I then go back into the Settings and set RTTS running to none. I see the pitch in progress when I make the change but then kicks me forward to my next fielding/batting opportunity. My next AB, before I take the first pitch, I change the setting back to "Lead Runner" and "All" so that I have stealing opportunities to take advantage of.
It's an awkward work-around. But I have found that since doing that, I always get my progression.
There is another factor as well - any repeatable progressions which you complete are reset to 0 of N (whatever number N is depending on the progression) but do NOT show up as completed in the post game summary of progression. But you DO get the archetype points for them. so I have definitely bumped into the situation where I've earned points but the post-game summary does not reflect because I happened to complete each of the repeatable tasks that incremented up that time.
I hope this helps.
Mine was working until 1.05 came out, lol
Check the archetype to position as well. I got crime dog diamond with 4 diamond perks. As a RF I am Ovetall a 93. I made a new RTTs as a left fielder with that same load out and it’s a 97 overall.
Still not working after the 1.06 update, hope 1.07 will fix the issue
@moosealbany_psn said in Still not progressing:
Not at all. I've stopped and started multiple RTTS careers since patch 3 came out - no issues with archetype progression at all. I'm assuming that's the progression but you're talking about??
I disagree. I chose archtype that supposedly is for CF, but I play 3rd base. I don't even appear on my team's 3B hierarchy, I appear as bottom CF, a position I have never and will never play. Simply not advancing attributes at all
Been stuck at 66 for 3 game months. -
Why is this still a thing???
Pitching-wise, my repeatables don’t update. The stagnant, non-repeatable ones will update, but this just means that after a certain point, I’ll be stuck and not able to progress. -