Proposed Showdown Change
I personally don’t have a huge issue with showdown, but it seems like most of the non gameplay complaints are about the stub loss and losing before the final showdown.
I think it would benefit the majority of people if red showdowns just reset your runs to 0 for the final showdown instead of ending your run. This way you could still give the final showdown a go without feeling like you were given zero chance.
Then again, it seems fair enough as is now that they’ve added more opportunities to gain final showdown runs.
Not a bad idea. The key to this game mode really is just being patient and waiting for a ball down the middle.
If i get my runs reset to 0 after completing 5-7 runs already, ill flip. There shouldnt be any mini showdowns. It should just be you play the blue moments to build your team and score as best as you can for the final and only showdown. There shouldnt be any resetting before the final showdown
I think with Coronavirus basically killing our economy, they should waive the entry fee.
The community would really appreciate that and it would be a good gesture. Think they should for BR too
@allmustfall16 said in Proposed Showdown Change:
I think with Coronavirus basically killing our economy, they should waive the entry fee.
The community would really appreciate that and it would be a good gesture. Think they should for BR too
I see that for showdown but i doubt BR because of the rewards if successful.
@InTh3iLLCity41 said in Proposed Showdown Change:
If i get my runs reset to 0 after completing 5-7 runs already, ill flip. There shouldnt be any mini showdowns. It should just be you play the blue moments to build your team and score as best as you can for the final and only showdown. There shouldnt be any resetting before the final showdown
That’s how you end up with directional players that have a full squad of FOTF players after a couple days.
@turtleopolis said in Proposed Showdown Change:
@InTh3iLLCity41 said in Proposed Showdown Change:
If i get my runs reset to 0 after completing 5-7 runs already, ill flip. There shouldnt be any mini showdowns. It should just be you play the blue moments to build your team and score as best as you can for the final and only showdown. There shouldnt be any resetting before the final showdown
That’s how you end up with directional players that have a full squad of FOTF players after a couple days.
I cant imagine being a directional player any more. Idk how i used to do it before turning to pci years ago. I mean if anything, atleast only 1 mini showdown if thats better? Because were really only focused on the final showdown.
As far as proposed showdown changes go, I think making the difficulty selectable with scalable rewards would be enough of a change to make the mode more consistent. For example, playing showdown on rookie nets 1 team affinity voucher, veteran nets 2 vouchers, all-star 4 vouchers, etc.
In my opinion, part of the problem with the mode is that with the difficulty changes from mission to mission, your approach also needs to change and that’s what creates the inconsistency. Most people obviously have their approach tailored to the difficulty level they’re accustomed to playing and there is no adjustment period since the missions are short and do or die.
Making the difficulty selectable allows the user to play within their comfort zone and making the vouchers scalable allows better players to advance faster on higher difficulties. It’s a solution that rewards the better players quicker, but still allows the more novice players to enjoy the mode and progress as well.