Tips for Danny Duffy moment
So I took about 4 days off from this game. And completed a few more moments to POTM Byron Buxton. And then I get to Danny Duffy's moment and I can tell it's gonna be annoying. The Tigers get to everything what are some tips or advice to getting past this moment before I lose my mind.
First pitch fastball low and away or low and inside, second pitch fastball high and inside, strikeout with slider away (vs lefties) or vs righties go with low changeup, low and inside slider, low curveball, or high fastball. It's easy it's on veteran.
I go 1st pitch Change, close to the corner/'almost' dot away. If they flail and miss, a low inside Fastball. If I get them to check swing, 90% of the time the ump will call it a swing, then a Slide-piece waaay out side.