All Makes Sense Now
This year is a total disaster with lac of communication, but make sure new packs are in the game for people to spend stubs or money on and the only activity on their socials is promoting new content. If it is something about servers its some PR auto generated pre written response. No game after cards (only 1 vs cpu after a 9 inning game) and you don't even get to see the others, no extra XP, no bonus reward path for 99 cards, etc like last year. Lack of content after you beat everything. SDS is hopping for your wallets and cards to be swiped, swiped, swiped. Good thing I got a refund coming my way! At least someone at Sony was understanding.
-Money hungry company blah blah blah
SDS-Gives out a 95 Buxton for literally free.
Complain about servers, bugs and lack of communication all you want. Content is the one thing SDS does right -
Right cause SDS didn't just drop some amazing cards today that can be earned 100% free as well added 100k XP in collections. How about 30 free cards for playing TA.
Boo hoo no XP path a free 99 everyone has and complains about faces every game for months.
The interesting thing is you got a refund yet hang around the forums like a desperate ex who clearly can't let go but who will be forgotten
Its not for free. If you don't have the stubs you need collect all the players which costs stubs, so if you spent it on collections you have to go buy them. Im just saying this for people to understand. Dont give this company any more money. Spend less to break things, earn more
@etb_0910_psn said in All Makes Sense Now:
Its not for free. If you don't have the stubs you need collect all the players which costs stubs, so if you spent it on collections you have to go buy them. Im just saying this for people to understand. Dont give this company any more money. Spend less to break things, earn more
Its free if you didn't sell off your Topps now cards from the moments
@etb_0910_psn said in All Makes Sense Now:
Its not for free. If you don't have the stubs you need collect all the players which costs stubs, so if you spent it on collections you have to go buy them. Im just saying this for people to understand. Dont give this company any more money. Spend less to break things, earn more
Of course it's free, you just do moments and keep the cards. That's it. Simple.
@etb_0910_psn said in All Makes Sense Now:
Its not for free. If you don't have the stubs you need collect all the players which costs stubs, so if you spent it on collections you have to go buy them. Im just saying this for people to understand. Dont give this company any more money. Spend less to break things, earn more
All the cards needed for the collection can be earned via Topps Now moments or POTM program if you sold those cards and have to buy them back that is on the user not SDS
@etb_0910_psn said in All Makes Sense Now:
This year is a total disaster with lac of communication, but make sure new packs are in the game for people to spend stubs or money on and the only activity on their socials is promoting new content. If it is something about servers its some PR auto generated pre written response. No game after cards (only 1 vs cpu after a 9 inning game) and you don't even get to see the others, no extra XP, no bonus reward path for 99 cards, etc like last year. Lack of content after you beat everything. SDS is hopping for your wallets and cards to be swiped, swiped, swiped. Good thing I got a refund coming my way! At least someone at Sony was understanding.
Lack of content after you beat everything?
Ok, I don't normally do this; but here goes:
You have OVER 118 hours of gameplay in DD. Depending on if you got the early release that's about 5-6 hours of gameplay a day.
You also have 6 hours of Franchise play.
By your statement of saying that there's nothing left to play for; I'm going out on a limb and saying that you ONLY played Franchise to use the XP glitch.
That means that you PURPOSRLY played to get done ASAP.
So, if there is nothing left to play for the next 2 days; that's on you. Not SDS.
@x814xmafia_psn said in All Makes Sense Now:
@etb_0910_psn said in All Makes Sense Now:
This year is a total disaster with lac of communication, but make sure new packs are in the game for people to spend stubs or money on and the only activity on their socials is promoting new content. If it is something about servers its some PR auto generated pre written response. No game after cards (only 1 vs cpu after a 9 inning game) and you don't even get to see the others, no extra XP, no bonus reward path for 99 cards, etc like last year. Lack of content after you beat everything. SDS is hopping for your wallets and cards to be swiped, swiped, swiped. Good thing I got a refund coming my way! At least someone at Sony was understanding.
Lack of content after you beat everything?
Ok, I don't normally do this; but here goes:
You have OVER 118 hours of gameplay in DD. Depending on if you got the early release that's about 5-6 hours of gameplay a day.
You also have 6 hours of Franchise play.
By your statement of saying that there's nothing left to play for; I'm going out on a limb and saying that you ONLY played Franchise to use the XP glitch.
That means that you PURPOSRLY played to get done ASAP.
So, if there is nothing left to play for the next 2 days; that's on you. Not SDS.
OMG I am on temporary disability and I don't even have that much game play!
@the_dragon1912 said in All Makes Sense Now:
-Money hungry company blah blah blah
SDS-Gives out a 95 Buxton for literally free.
Complain about servers, bugs and lack of communication all you want. Content is the one thing SDS does rightI’m excited for the program, but I have a hard time giving them credit for “content” for releasing new cards which is basically the equivalent of new skins. And while you can say they are “free” they are walled behind hours of busy work...I say busy work because that’s what it’s all started to feel like to me...especially since they how dumbed down Moments and Showdowns have begun. None of it is fun or rewarding. I’d imagine that’s on purpose, the more busy work, the more likely you can’t complete everything, or won’t want to bother with certain things, which makes it more likely you’ll purchase stubs so you can get back to actually playing games and having fun.
The one positive this year is with parallels, the statistical grinds in conquest have more meaning and are more engaging. -