Today I had to complete a brewers team live set for the 2nd time as my reward ernie banks was disappeared from my account!
I've sent the email/ticket in over a week ago along with my information and have had no word back!
Of course I didn't wanna hope wait and pray for you to address my situation stalling my set progress so I completed the set again in order to continue my mlbshow21 journey and grab my chipper Soriano and glavine!
Obviously to do these sets isn't completely free and I have spent a lot of stubs competing these sets so I think it's only right that some sort of compensation is in order
pls respond ASAP this is kind of ridiculous as much as I enjoy the game I shouldn't have to pay twice in order to proceed with my gaming experience hope this reaches someone well!
Okay fella cards don't magically vanish from your account nice try
Lol ikr
sounds crazy AF and I couldn't believe it either but I literally have 2 Robyn younts in my binder so it did happen and it's happening to others as I've read here so I need my issue back SDS!
I went to buy yelich last night to compete the brewers and get my Ernie. Put the order in, it disappeared a few seconds later, the order isn’t active or in completed and I lost almost 40k stubs in the process.
Emailed them about it. I’ll see what happens. If I don’t get it back i won’t buy their game again -