2021, Yet Here We Are AGAIN
I get it. The servers are bad and I know they are working on them to help us all calm down. I am used to bad launches from MLB The Show. I've been playing since 2008. I still love the game and I do love how the game works. I was trying hard to give them the benefit of the doubt like with it being on different systems, new next generation hardware, some lingering effects of covid etc, but I can't hold back anymore. Don't take peoples money that people work hard for and then all of a sudden go MIA or mute on all your social medias when the problems are beyond a laundry list. It's not hard to have some sort of daily updates or every few days to let people know whats going on. Not everyone has twitter, facebook, etc. Drop a post here and there on your own community forum. All we want is some sort of "transparency" that you guys at SDS promised us years ago moving forward, but we are back on that same train of BS again.
Butttt let's make sure that new packs are in the game.
Maybe that will cover up all the bad mistakes. I feel awful for Xbox players this year. Don't say that you can't handle all this when SONY, one of if not the biggest entertainment company in the world didn't think there would be this bad of problems when you knew all the loads of new players.
I like the game as well. It plays pretty great compared to years passed and the content is pretty great. I hope they give people a chance to finish the first inning. I got the 1st inning boss by getting on when I could and just play until the servers give out. I have a boss that lets me make my own schedule pretty much and hardly anyone has that. There will be alot of people who can't get the boss from the first inning and hopefully sds just gives everyone the boss pack for free because not everyone has the schedule to work around when the servers will be up. That being said, It is upsetting to pay for something that rarely works. Hope they remedy this soon.
I agree. Either a 10 pack bundle like we got back in '17 or maybe an 85-89 non sellable diamond choice pack. 2xp needs to run for a while too.
@etb_0910_psn said in 2021, Yet Here We Are AGAIN:
I agree. Either a 10 pack bundle like we got back in '17 or maybe an 85-89 non sellable diamond choice pack. 2xp needs to run for a while too.
Not sure about those free diamond packs this early in the year, even if NAT. If I also recall they game us some stubs with that 10 bundle, like 10 or 20k. I feel like that will suffice, because the '17 servers were much worse than this.
Servers have been bad, but the game in general is pretty great.
I’ve spend mad money on 2k and madden in the past. I’ve not spent a dime on this game and have a really solid squad.